Comparison of bamboo fiber and swan down pillows

Natural and environmentally friendly

Bamboo fiber. Lovers of natural materials should pay attention to bamboo models.
The filler is made from young bamboo shoots by processing raw materials. The result is a high-quality material “bamboo flax” - when produced mechanically, or “bamboo viscose” when a chemical method is used. If the tag contains information about 100% composition, then this refers to the material of the pillow top. The cover is made of fabric made from natural bamboo fiber, and polyester, polyester or artificial swan down has been added to the filling with viscose obtained from the plant. Most models are produced in this way: the cover is sewn from cotton fabric, the inner layer includes bamboo viscose - 30-70% and synthetic fiber.

Swansdown. The filler does not contain natural material. Manufacturers use artificial swan down.

Pillows with natural raw materials are no longer produced, since one product requires collecting down from ten birds during the seasonal molting period, and the swans themselves are listed in the Red Book.

Therefore, we developed microfiber, similar to natural fluff. Soft, elastic and ultra-fine hairs, twisted in a spiral, are treated with silicone. The result is fluffy polyester balls. The substitute is considered a worthy analogue of swan's down.

Bamboo pillows contain natural, environmentally friendly material. The unpretentious plant is grown without the use of pesticides, and products made from it are safe.

The swan down substitute does not contain natural raw materials. The material is close to the original in structure and appearance. Modern technologies make it possible to produce high-quality fiber that does not harm human health.

According to the criterion under consideration, bamboo products are better than their swan down counterparts.

What are bamboo pillows made from?

The filler is made from cellulose, which in turn is made from the core of young bamboo shoots (up to four years old). It grows well without requiring special care or soil fertilization, so products made from it are considered environmentally friendly.

Bamboo cellulose fiber is snow-white, thin and very durable. There are two methods of its production:

  1. Mechanical is a labor-intensive and low-productivity process in which bamboo stems are crushed to obtain a fibrous mass. Then threads up to 25 cm long are pulled from it. The fiber obtained in this way is called bamboo flax. Products made from it are expensive.
  2. Chemical is a popular and cheap method in which the plant is crushed and treated with chemicals until a sticky mass is obtained. It is passed through small holes in a metal plate and left in an acidic environment until it hardens. The fiber is then processed to remove acids and alkalis. They are easily removed with water, the resulting raw materials are not dyed or bleached and are considered natural. Chemically produced products are called bamboo viscose.

How to make bamboo pillows

Most bedding products on the market are made from chemically produced bamboo fiber.

Photo: Bamboo fiber filling in pillows

What is inside

: Products that sellers call "bamboo" are usually not made entirely of bamboo. Manufacturers mix natural and synthetic materials (for example, in a 1:1 ratio) or fill a bamboo case with synthetics: polyester, polyester, artificial swan down. Therefore, before purchasing, you should carefully study the information on the label.

Degree of support

The pillow is important not only for supporting the head and the natural curve of the neck, the position of the spine during sleep must also be correct.

The bamboo pillow is moderately elastic and soft, it has an average degree of support. The spring properties of the product allow the head to rest comfortably while resting. The spine is in a natural position and does not cause tension in the cervical muscles.

A swan down pillow also falls into the medium-hard category. They differ from their bamboo counterpart in that they are less elastic. Tall, fluffy swan down pillows are quite soft.

Products made from both fillers provide an optimal degree of support. Thanks to the natural characteristics of the tropical plant, bamboo pillows have increased elasticity compared to models made from swan's down. Consumers note that bamboo bedding provides a greater feeling of freshness and coolness.

Which pillows are better: bamboo or swan's down?

Today, so many new products have appeared on the textile market that it is sometimes very difficult for consumers to make a choice.

Everyone wants to get a convenient, practical, safe and at the same time inexpensive product that has an orthopedic or healing effect. It is especially important to choose the right pillow, since not only a person’s mood, but also a person’s health depends on how comfortable it is and supports the cervical spine during sleep. The most popular pillows today are those filled with artificial swan down, since no other material can compare with them in terms of elasticity and ease of care. Bamboo fiber is no less popular, which is noticeably cheaper than eucalyptus or seaweed filler, but is not inferior to them in the benefits it brings.

Pros of pillows with artificial swan down

An artificial fiber, reminiscent in its texture and performance properties of priceless swan's down, is more often than other analogues used in the production of high-quality bedding. Pillows with it are soft enough to provide a comfortable posture during sleep, and at the same time quite elastic. This filler is suitable even for people suffering from allergies, small children and anyone who has difficulty relaxing after a working day and often suffers from insomnia. Unlike analogues based on traditional goose down, such products do not harbor dust mites and other unwanted insects.

What are the advantages of pillows filled with bamboo fiber?

Bamboo is good because it easily absorbs moisture released by the skin and gives a pleasant sensation to the touch. The product remains cool even in the hottest weather due to the unique ability of the material to self-ventilate. In addition, bamboo fiber, being a natural material, has an antioxidant effect, rejuvenating the skin and relieving stress. The most valuable thing about bamboo fiber is its bactericidal ability, that is, the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria, which makes this common home textile an excellent aid in the prevention of infections. These features more than compensate for their lower elasticity compared to down pillows.

Bamboo fiber as a filler for bedding in its pure form is extremely rare. As a rule, we are talking about making covers for pillows and blankets from the fibers of this plant, or mixing it in equal proportions with artificial, hypoallergenic materials. This approach allows, without compromising the quality of the product, to make it more affordable and convenient to use. The ideal pillow option is a combination of a bamboo cover and swan down as a filler, since this solution allows you to get all the advantages of both materials, while compensating for the existing disadvantages with the simultaneous use.

Degree of moisture absorption

Bamboo pillows are characterized by excellent hygroscopicity. They perfectly absorb moisture and quickly evaporate it. Bamboo fiber has a porous structure, products made from it have an optimal level of humidity. The fabric does not stick to the skin and dries instantly. Thanks to this property, pillows made from vegetable filling do not accumulate lingering odors.

In humid climates, hygroscopicity becomes a disadvantage of bamboo fiber, as the pillow becomes damp and uncomfortable to sleep on. The product will not dry out and will gradually become unusable. However, such a climate is rare for the territory of Russia.

Pillows made from swan down are characterized by low hygroscopicity.
Fibers treated with silicone do not absorb moisture. Products almost always remain dry and dry quickly. Foreign odors are also not absorbed. Which product is better, in this case it is better to decide based on your own preferences.
In damp climates, it is advisable to use a swan down pillow. Those who suffer from excessive sweating are not recommended to sleep on it.


Bamboo fiber contains a natural antibiotic that prevents the appearance of harmful microorganisms. The material soothes and protects the skin, destroying bacteria. Bamboo fiber helps reduce infections.

Expert opinion

Kevin G

Professor at the University of California

In light of the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the development of antimicrobial and antibacterial textiles could be a major advance in the battle against the spread of infection.

Pillows made from swan down cannot boast of this property. But mold and putrefactive formations do not appear in the filler. Synthetic material is an unattractive environment for bacteria to grow.

Difficulty of care

Siliconized (bamboo) fiber.

Both analogue pillows are simple and undemanding to maintain. The main thing is that before using the products, you need to study the indications on the label because the requirements are not the same for all models, even of the same type.


Bamboo pillows . Products can be washed manually or in an automatic machine. It is better to use delicate mode. The water temperature should be 30-35°C. Powders cannot be used; gel detergents are suitable. It is prohibited to rub bamboo pillows with brushes or hard sponges. After washing, the pillow must be gently fluffed to avoid deformation of the product. If there is a removable cover, then it is enough to wash only it.

Swan down pillows . Can be safely washed in a regular machine. The water temperature should be optimal, approximately 35°C. You need to select a delicate wash cycle. It is advisable to use liquid detergents. In specialized stores there are capsules with gel intended for washing pillows.


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Overall, bamboo pillows still require more gentle washing. It is necessary to take into account that the filler of plant origin quickly wrinkles and therefore it is forbidden to squeeze the product too hard. Swan down pillows are easy to wash, but do not forget about proper drying.

Regular care

It is best to always shake bamboo pillows before use to ensure even distribution of the filling. Both types of pillows need to be aired outside 2-3 times a year, but not in the sun. Synthetic down does not tolerate overheating at all; bamboo fiber also requires careful handling.


By its nature, it is a natural material , however, the bird is not capable of producing enough fluff to be used in large-scale production.
Therefore, in modern technology, its artificial substitute is widely used, which retains all the basic properties of the analogue. In addition, the natural habitat is very attractive for various types of microbes. And artificial down will prevent allergies and in this regard is considered more environmentally friendly. The material completely eliminates the occurrence of mold , as it has good breathability. Pleasant to the touch, comfortable to use and absolutely safe. However, there is no cooling effect, which can lead to overheating. The price of such products is affordable and democratic.


Pillows with bamboo filling quickly wrinkle and lose their original shape. With proper care, the service life increases, but rarely exceeds 3-4 years.

A swan down pillow holds its shape better than a bamboo pillow, and the filling does not bunch up. The fiber has a springy structure. When compressed, the filler instantly expands and restores its original shape. Service life on average is 5 years.

According to this criterion, products made from swan down are better than a similar option.

What are the differences and how to make a choice

The huge variety of bedding accessories can confuse any buyer. The quality of the product is determined by the filler and its consumer properties . Despite the fact that both bamboo fiber and swan down are widely used in modern production, they have fundamental differences. Each person has his own taste and his own characteristics of the body, so for the right choice you need to remember some features of the materials.

A pillow with swan down is a classic option on the modern market. Soft to the touch, airy and comfortable to sleep, and most importantly, does not require special care during operation. Its service life reaches five years. Over time, the filler gets lost and dust accumulates in it, which can cause some health problems in the form of an allergic reaction. Therefore, only periodic knocking or vacuuming is necessary, and it is better sometimes to use the services of specialized bedding care companies. Such pillows are often purchased for children due to their special softness and lightness. They can be washed in a machine.

A pillow with bamboo filling does not cause allergies, but is denser and heavier . It has orthopedic properties and is very elastic. It is recommended for use for neck pain and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis. The product is very practical, absolutely not attractive to bacteria due to its antiseptic properties. It retains freshness and cleanliness for a very long time, and it is not hot to sleep on. Perfect for people with excessive sweating. However, the service life of pillows filled with bamboo is short and is about three years. After this period of time, the material crumbles and crumples.

Swan down blankets are also quite soft, warm and airy. Microfiber provides good wear resistance and durability . A huge advantage is the small thickness and lightness of the product . No filler competes with down in terms of weight. The duvet does not lose its fluffy shape for a very long time or restores it very quickly. However, the surface of the material is highly electrified and does not “breathe” well, which can cause significant inconvenience during its use. A duvet filled with down also absorbs moisture very poorly, which is also a significant drawback. The service life reaches 20 years and withstands numerous washes.

Blankets with bamboo filling inside are very warm and dense. The material breathes well and neutralizes static electricity. Bamboo is treated with honey pectin, which adds special value to the product and has a beneficial effect on the skin. Perfectly absorbs moisture and allows air to pass through. Heavier than its competitors. Due to its naturalness and environmental friendliness, it has insufficient durability; it will last no more than two seasons. Bamboo blankets can also be machine washed. They will provide a wonderful, cozy microclimate both in the warm season and in the cool off-season.

Final comparison table of properties

Bamboo fiberswansdown
Natural, environmentally friendlyNatural plant originArtificial
Degree of supportMedium, more elasticMedium, but less elastic
AntibacterialContains a natural antibiotic, material rotting is excludedMold and bacteria do not appear
HypoallergenicDoes not cause reactionsDust appears during operation
Degree of moisture absorptionExcellent moisture absorptionDoes not absorb moisture
Difficulty of careRequires more careful handlingEasy to care for
DurabilityThe filler gradually settles and loses its shapeMaintains original appearance
Life timeDoes not exceed 3-4 years5 years
PriceAverageA little cheaper

Bamboo pillows are overly soft, but only the classic type of product belongs to this category. Orthopedic models are denser and are suitable for people predisposed to osteochondrosis and already having spinal diseases: protrusions, hernias, pinched nerve endings. A bamboo pillow is ideal for people suffering from allergic reactions and bronchial asthma. For those who like to sleep on their back or side, this is a good option.

Pros and cons of bamboo pillows

Bamboo pillows have their advantages:

  1. Do not cause allergies.
  2. Does not absorb odors and dust.
  3. They have antiseptic properties - they do not harbor microorganisms or dust mites.
  4. They allow air to pass through due to their porous structure, which allows you to maintain an optimal microclimate.
  5. Easy to care for - machine washable along with the cover.
  6. Environmentally friendly - the fiber is clean and harmless to humans.
  7. They weigh little.
  8. They have an elastic and soft shape.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • creasing - it is necessary to periodically beat to return the shape;
  • hygroscopicity – absorbs moisture in rooms with high humidity levels or when there is heavy sweating during sleep;
  • fragility - average service life is 2-3 years.

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Pillows made from swan down are fluffy, soft, and less dense. They are suitable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. Those who suffer from excessive sweating should not purchase such pillows. Please note that the product accumulates static electricity and your hair may become dry and brittle. But an antistatic agent will help eliminate this problem. Great for back sleepers.

Both types of pillows are comfortable and practical, they are affordable, allow air to pass through well, and are easy to care for. That's why they are the most common.

Bamboo fiber, Swan's down

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