Can a leather jacket be washed in a washing machine? Preparation and process of washing a leather jacket in a washing machine

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Leather clothing is practical, comfortable and never goes out of style. True, not everyone can afford trousers or coats made of natural material. But over the last century, many different substitutes have appeared that look little different, but are much cheaper. Caring for them is somewhat different from that recommended for shoes, bags and jackets made of genuine leather. How to wash a leather dress? Read about it in our article.

Is washing always recommended?

The very first thing you should do when the time comes to put something in order is to carefully study the label. Everything is stated there:

  • Is it washable?
  • Is dry cleaning acceptable?
  • Is it worth ironing?
  • what temperature the material can withstand;
  • whether the product can withstand machine washing or is only hand washable;
  • what detergents can be used.

This applies not only to leather, but to absolutely any item. By carefully following the information on the label, you will be able to clean or wash your clothes without causing any harm to them.


When thinking about how to wash a faux leather dress, pay special attention to the choice of detergents. There are substances that, in principle, should not be in powder for washing leather items:

  • chlorine;
  • other whitening ingredients.

Regardless of whether you are going to wash your leather item by hand or in an automatic machine, it is better to refuse regular powder. The fact is that it can be very difficult to remove from a leather item; it is difficult to rinse. As a result, the remaining granules turn into unpleasant white spots or streaks, and you have to start all over again.

Important! To wash leather products you can use:

  • gels for washing clothes;
  • handmade liquid soap;
  • dishwashing liquid.

Tips from Garderobus!

If you washed your jacket with powder and saw a white residue on it after spinning, repeat rinsing.

If you don’t have liquid detergent on hand, you can use shampoo or shower gel, but in small quantities, as these products have good foaming ability.

It is better not to wash jackets or jackets made of inexpensive and thin artificial leather, especially with a smooth, shiny surface, as well as bags made of cheap leatherette. Low-quality material may not withstand such treatment; the products will quickly peel and peel.


It happens that the label was accidentally cut off and it was erased, so there is nowhere to get detailed instructions. It doesn’t matter, just follow the general principles of caring for artificial leather, and success is guaranteed.

Pay special attention to the temperature. Such items should not be washed in hot water. It doesn’t matter at all what your dress is made of – genuine leather, vinyl or eco-leather.

Important! If you are not entirely familiar with the features of these materials, we suggest that you read our separate review, where all their pros, cons, and characteristics are discussed in detail. Click on the link “Which is better - artificial leather or eco-leather?”

Boiling water makes any material of this type too hard and the product loses its shape. Natural leather usually shrinks, artificial leather most often stretches, and unevenly. So a water temperature greater than 30°C is clearly not suitable for you.

Drying rules

Regardless of how the jacket was washed: completely, partially, by hand or in a machine, it is necessary to dry it before putting it on. Otherwise, the skin will certainly become deformed, especially in the folds.

Dry your skin like this:

  • place on a wire rack, allowing excess water to drain;
  • place towels in the sleeves, fasten them and place them on thick fabric (it must be changed as soon as it gets wet);
  • when the skin is almost dry, hang it on a hanger;
  • A completely dry jacket should be treated with glycerin or a special conditioner and left until the product is completely absorbed.

Please pay special attention: the skin should dry on its own. You cannot use an iron, hair dryer or place the product near a heating device to speed up the process!

A leather jacket will complement your wardrobe in spring and autumn for many years, if you follow the rules of wear and care. To protect delicate material from the action of aggressive cleaning agents, you need to periodically wipe the product with a damp cloth (necessarily after rain), treat it with water-repellent agents and caring conditioners 1-2 times a season.

We wash leatherette

Before you clean your leatherette jacket at home, do a few things that are required for any washing or cleaning:

  1. If there are noticeable stains of dirt, it is better to remove them before washing.
  2. Take out of your pockets everything that is there - change, keys, random pieces of paper, etc.
  3. Turn your dress or jacket inside out.
  4. Fasten all the buttons and zippers that are on it.

Important! Before washing, it is useful to check how the product reacts to water. Wet a small area on the wrong side and leave for an hour - if nothing happens, you can wash it.

Restoring clothes after washing

If a leather jacket's appearance has deteriorated, it can be restored and made soft after washing at home. You just need to take action as quickly as possible.

  • Cracked skin must be covered or painted over with special paint of the same color.
  • If the glossy shine has disappeared, then lubricate the item with glycerin. It will add softness and restore its former appearance.

If dried incorrectly, the item will become deformed. Therefore, if this happens, you can return things to shape at home. To do this, place the slightly damp product on a hard and flat surface and give it the desired look. Then wait until it dries completely. Here we will reveal the secret of how you can remove putty from clothes in 1 minute.


The owner of leather items should always have several necessary items in his household:

  • large capacity;
  • foam or rubber sponge;
  • soft bristle brush;
  • large towel.

The container should be such that the whole thing or even several things fit into it. This could be a large basin or a bucket. If you are deciding how to wash a faux leather skirt, this will suffice. For a jacket or coat you will need something larger, like a tub, although you can wash it directly in the bathtub.


  • Fill a container with warm water.
  • Dilute the detergent.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of food vinegar with a concentration of no more than 9%.
  • Place the leather item in the container until it is completely submerged.
  • Wait about fifteen minutes.
  • Wipe the entire surface of the dress or skirt with a sponge or brush using soft, smooth movements.

Important! You can’t rub leatherette too hard, as this will cause it to wear out and stretch.

  • After washing, rinse the item thoroughly, preferably with cool running water.
  • Place the item on a large towel and wrap it up – it should look like a roller.
  • Leave the roller alone for fifteen minutes.
  • Hang the product on hangers with the wrong side facing out and dry in a warm but not hot place, protected from direct sunlight and radiators.

Important! Leather products cannot be wrung out - this will cause them to lose their shape.

A few secrets for washing leather goods

If you are afraid that the product may lose its beauty, and then you will simply have to throw it away, it is better to immediately treat the surface of the skin with glycerin and castor oil. Otherwise, you can use the following secrets:

  1. After washing, rinse the leather item in water with a few drops of glycerin added.
  2. In order to smooth out defects and damage that have surfaced during washing, the area needs to be painted with aerosol nitro paint.
  3. If an item smells like laundry detergent, you can get rid of the smell by rubbing the item with an orange peel.
  4. Lemon juice can easily remove white stains.

If, even after studying the basic rules of washing, you still doubt the result, then the best way for you to clean leather items is dry cleaning. Where your things are guaranteed to be treated with care and look beautiful after the procedure.

We wash leatherette in a machine

Skirts and dresses don't get dirty very often, but leather pants have a completely different fate. You have to clean them more often; you can’t rub them with your hands. How to wash faux leather trousers in a machine and is it possible to do it at all? If the label contains the relevant information, then, of course, you can, but you must always follow certain rules:

  1. As with hand washing, turn the item inside out, fasten the buttons and zippers, and remove any excess from the pockets.
  2. Set the regulator to the delicate wash mode - spinning is contraindicated in this case, so there is no need to turn it on.
  3. Pour in a liquid detergent without bleaching ingredients - those designed for silk or wool are suitable.
  4. Set the temperature to the same 30°C as for hand washing.
  5. After machine washing, dry the product in the same way as described in the previous case.

Do you always need to wash?

Washing leather products is a radical measure and should not be used often. There are other ways to get your clothes in order:

  1. Examine the item.
  2. Identify the most polluted places.
  3. Apply a thin layer of dry soda to them.
  4. Rub the stains - there is no need to apply excessive force.
  5. Remove excess baking soda.

As a rule, this method is sufficient if the entire jacket is clean, but there is slight dirt in certain areas. Most often they get dirty:

  • cuffs;
  • collar;
  • edges of pockets or flaps;
  • the bottom of the trousers.

By the way, if these parts are very dirty, and the time has come to put all other things in order, first remove noticeable dirt with the same soda, and only then place the product in a basin or machine.

Important! If you have a lot of different types of leather in your wardrobe, it makes sense to think about buying special leather cleaning products.

Is it possible to wash a leather jacket in a washing machine: preparation and washing process

If you decide to wash your leather jacket in a machine, first you need to properly prepare it.


To wash a jacket, you need all 2 tbsp. l. ordinary powder, it is not recommended to use it anymore, as it can leave white spots on things. However, when choosing a product, it is better to take a special detergent for such things, which can be purchased in the store. You also need to use a color fixer so that the item does not lose color.

Washing program

To wash leather items, be sure to set the delicate cycle and use cold water, as high temperatures can easily deform the leather. Select the mode so that the operating time is as short as possible.

Upon completion of the preparatory washing procedures, you need to take the jacket itself, fasten it with all possible fasteners and zippers and turn it inside out. This will protect the delicate leather surface from friction with the drum and subsequent damage.

Since leather is a fairly delicate material, you need to add a couple of soft items to the wash (T-shirts, trousers, socks) with the same color as the jacket itself.

Attention! Under no circumstances add several leather items to the wash at once; the consequences can be disastrous.


Upon completion of washing, you need to remove the item from the drum and stretch the sleeves. If the item is not very complex in its design, then in 10–15 minutes it will dry on the dryer. After that, we take out the jacket, turn it inside out and straighten it. If it has not dried completely, the procedure must be repeated, first turning it inside out.

If the product contains decorative elements, then it should be dried on a horizontal plane, placing a towel under it. To prevent the leather from becoming deformed, do not twist or squeeze it, or leave it near a heater or other heating devices. Let it take longer to dry, but it will better retain its shape. You can dry your jacket on a trempel with soft hangers.


After the leather product has dried, it should be ironed from the inside out at minimum temperatures. Even if everything went well and the item has not lost its quality, in any case it is better to regularly wipe it with a sponge and soapy water than to wash it regularly.

Wash the lining

The lining, of course, is not visible from the outside. But at the same time, it gets dirty much more often than the top. True, washing usually does not harm it, because it is made from the most ordinary fabric. If the top is clean, but you frankly don’t like the look of the lining, try washing only that – you won’t have to rip off anything:

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. Hang it on a hanger.
  3. Dissolve upholstery cleaner in a bowl.
  4. Whisk until foam appears.
  5. Apply foam to the pad.
  6. Leave for 20 minutes.
  7. Clean dirty areas with a soft brush or sponge.
  8. Dry the lining with a terry towel or microfiber cloth.
  9. Leave the item hanging on a hanger until the lining is completely dry.

Important! Leather items are chosen by people who are inclined to experiment with their image and are quite bold. But even when wearing such products, we must not forget that everything should be harmonious. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting information from the following reviews:

  • How to choose a hairstyle for a dress?
  • How to choose shoes to match a dress?


To wash leatherette products as rarely as possible, they need to be properly cared for. For this you need:

  • liquid detergent;
  • alcohol;
  • warm water;
  • terry towel;
  • cotton pads.

Use these simple things to perform preventive cleaning a couple of times a month.

Option 1:

  1. Dilute a little liquid soap in warm water.
  2. Dampen a cotton pad.
  3. Wipe the entire outer layer of the jacket or coat.
  4. Wipe the jacket with clean warm water.
  5. Remove excess moisture with a towel.

Option 2

Soak a cotton pad in alcohol, wipe the entire top layer of the product, and then dry with a soft towel.

How to wash an eco-leather down jacket?

Eco-leather is a modern material that has gained great popularity due to its spectacular appearance and high quality. The base is made of cotton, and the top layer is made of polyurethane. Thanks to this combination, clothing acquires absolutely remarkable properties:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • wears for a long time;
  • comfortable;
  • allows air to pass through;
  • almost does not get dirty;
  • does not get wet;
  • does not deteriorate from water.

It is rare to wash products made from this material, but sometimes it still needs to be done. Stains can be easily washed off with clean water, but sometimes it is enough to simply wipe the dirty area with a damp cloth.

How to properly wash a leather jacket

After purchasing, you need to carefully study the information on the label sewn to the lining of the jacket. The manufacturer must inform you how to care for the purchased product and what not to do.

First of all, you need to make sure that the jacket is made of genuine leather and not a substitute. Products made from artificial materials are less resistant to mechanical and chemical influences and may suffer even when gentle measures are used. There are several ways to define “naturalness”:

  • by characteristic smell;
  • by surface temperature (skin retains heat when touched);
  • by reaction with fire (bring a match or lighter - the skin will not catch fire, but will emit a rather unpleasant odor);
  • on the interior (rip off the lining a little and examine the inside - there should be suede, but under no circumstances fabric).

Rules for cleaning leather clothes:

  • remove any contamination as early as possible;
  • If possible, choose a dry cleaning method;
  • use a soft cloth or sponge;
  • do not rub or wrinkle the skin.

The easiest way to clean up your leather jacket is to have it dry cleaned. Workers of such services use active cleaning agents, selecting them based on the characteristics of the material. The downside of this service is its high cost, but since you need to resort to it only once a year (at the end of the wearing season), the timing and safety of cleaning fully justify the price.

Dry cleaning is often used if the leather jacket is heavily soiled, an old, ingrained stain is found, or the leather is very delicate or of a delicate color.

In all other cases, you can return an attractive look to a leather jacket with your own hands.

How to wash a jacket in a washing machine

Despite the fact that leather is very sensitive to mechanical stress and moisture, some housewives quite successfully wash products made from it in washing machines.

It is worth noting that most manufacturers do not recommend this method. This is due to the fact that skin is a natural material, the shine and softness of which is maintained by animal collagen found in the pores. Intense exposure to water and detergents, coupled with friction, can make the skin hard and deform.

However, some owners still wash leather jackets in a machine, following certain tricks:

  • mode - “delicate fabrics”, “wool” or “hand wash”;
  • water temperature - 30 °C;
  • number of revolutions - 300 or less;
  • detergent - liquid.

It is worth noting that even meeting these requirements does not guarantee the safety of the product. In some cases, the item may shrink or, conversely, stretch by 1-2 sizes. Washing leather in a machine is a last resort when you don’t mind ruining it.

Hand wash leather

As practice shows, for many natural fabrics there is nothing safer than hand washing. Advantages of the method:

  • gentle effect on the material;
  • minimum contact with water and chemicals;
  • ability to regulate the intensity of movements.

You can hand wash a leather jacket either completely or in individual sections.

First, you need to hang the product on wide hangers and inspect exactly which places need cleaning. It is better to start with the largest dirt and stains, gradually moving to individual areas and the lining.

We wash a dress made of eco-leather

Most often, dresses have to be washed, since these wardrobe items are in direct contact with human skin. Typically, eco-leather clothes are made with a lining, and it is this that gets dirty. It turns out that the top layer remains clean, but the item needs to be washed.

There are also combined models - some parts are made of fabric, the rest are made of eco-leather. They definitely have to be sent to the wash from time to time. To find out whether this can be done and under what conditions, you need to look at the label. As with leatherette products, three cleaning modes are possible:

  • handwash;
  • machine washable with or without spinning;
  • dry cleaning

Most often, eco-leather products are recommended to be washed by hand and dried on hangers or in a horizontal position in the open air. But there are models for which machine washing is acceptable if your unit has a delicate mode and spin at low speeds.

Temperature, powder, time

There is a lot in common in caring for products made from eco-leather and artificial leather:

  • In both cases, you need to wash in warm water, not hot.
  • Liquid soap or dishwashing detergent is preferable to powder.
  • Chlorine and other bleaches are contraindicated.
  • Do not rub stains too hard.
  • And, of course, you must follow the general washing rules - and don’t forget to remove jewelry like brooches or rhinestones.
  • The washing mode is delicate, with spin at low speeds or without this function at all.

Removing stains

In many cases, it is enough to lightly clean eco-leather clothes. For example, if a greasy stain appears. It is enough to wipe it with soapy water. You can also use alcohol.

A separate class is white clothes, on which even a small dirty spot is clearly visible. You can remove it in several ways:

  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • soap solution;
  • milk.

The procedure is the simplest. The stain is wiped off with whatever product is at hand, and then the area is wiped with a cloth soaked in clean water and dried with a regular napkin or towel. If you remove small stains in a timely manner, you may not have to wash your eco-leather item at all.

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