How to wash a down jacket correctly: in the washing machine, by hand, with balls, white: useful tips. How to choose powder for washing a down jacket?

In this article we will look at the rules for washing down jackets. We will also tell you how to give the product a neat appearance when hand and machine washed.

When you think about washing a down jacket at home, a huge number of questions immediately arise. Since this particular item is considered the most in demand in the winter. It’s a shame, but the down jacket gets dirty after a while, and not every housewife can clean it thoroughly. Try washing such items in a machine or by hand, using our recommendations.

How to properly wash a down jacket in a washing machine?

If you do not process the down jacket correctly during washing, it will simply deteriorate. Therefore, before starting the automatic machine, familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Examine the down jacket carefully. Find a special label on it that allows you to wash the down jacket in an automatic machine.
  • If you notice that a little fluff is coming out of your jacket or coat, then refuse to process the item in an automated machine.
  • You can only place one down jacket inside the drum. Never combine cleaning of such clothing with other items.

If you use these rules correctly, washing your down jacket will be successful.

Washing a down jacket in the machine

Next, perform the following manipulations:

  • Turn on a special mode for washing such items. Set the temperature
  • Run the rinse a couple of times
  • Turn on medium spin mode

Next, you should remember those actions that you absolutely do not need to do:

  • Do not pre-soak the item before the main wash.
  • Do not use water whose temperature is more than 40°C
  • Never use bleach when washing

Select the desired mode
If you decide to wash your down jacket, preferably choose a delicate mode. At the same time, set the temperature so that it is no more than 40°C. According to experienced housewives, this mode is considered the safest, and therefore it will not cause harm to either the lining or the filling of the product.

Some washing machines have a special mode programmed in advance that allows you to wash outerwear. You can also use the “Synthetics” option. It makes it possible to clean jackets and other similar items at 30°C. For the same purposes, the “Delicate fabrics” or “Hand wash” option is ideal. As a rule, they apply to those things that have a mark on the handwash label. However, at what temperature and mode to wash a down item, decide for yourself, taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturers and the list of programs on the equipment itself.

Video material

Washing a down jacket at home is not an easy task, but it can be done. You should study in advance the question of which powder to wash the down jacket in the washing machine, and which - by hand, in order to be prepared for quick cleaning of the jacket. Remember that your winter coat will last much longer if you don't let it get too dirty. And the right product will help you clean your down jacket quickly and without negative consequences for your clothes.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine with balls?

Every modern automatic washing machine has a program that allows you to wash down items. If your machine does not have such a mode, then use the delicate option by setting the desired temperature.

The main problem you may encounter is the fluff clumping into clumps. As a result, your down jacket will lose its shape while drying, become thin, and will not warm you at all in winter. You can avoid this problem if you place small balls in the washing machine during washing. What exactly is the function of the balls in this case?

  • As the drum rotates, the balls are pushed off the walls, then they hit the down jacket, breaking up the lumps of fluff.
  • When squeezing the jacket, the effect of the balls is significantly enhanced. After this, the feathers and down are distributed evenly inside the product.
  • In addition, during washing, balls can restore a down jacket if it was previously washed incorrectly and the insulation inside it has become loose.

The balls, together with the detergent, give clothes a massage that destroys old dirt. Cleaning becomes much stronger, which proves the benefits of balls when washing in an automatic machine.

Washing with balls

Before using tennis balls, prepare them for use:

  • Soak the balls for 2 hours in a bleach solution
  • Make sure to do this, otherwise they may fade and ruin the down jacket when cleaning
  • Place 3 balls in the drum of the machine

In addition, you can easily replace regular tennis balls with plastic balls that have spikes. They are very similar to massage balls. But you will need 4 of these balls. These elements can actively fluff up down and feathers, clean the jacket, and speed up drying. After using these balls, you will not have to knead the filler manually, since the fluff itself will be evenly distributed inside the lining.

IMPORTANT: You can always find tourmaline balls on sale. They cost, of course, much more than the previous options, but at the same time they bring much more effect. The developers of this new product guarantee that during washing you don’t even have to add detergent to the machine.

You can also wash them with tennis balls.
Externally, the balls look like a baby rattle. They contain small ceramic rounds that are responsible for environmentally friendly washing. If you decide to use these balls, put 6 of them in the drum. But first place them in a sunny place for literally a few hours.

  • When the elements come into contact with the liquid, they significantly improve the quality of the water. Plus they kill microorganisms and increase pH. As a result, the water acquires the qualities of a washing preparation, and therefore dirt and greasy stains are washed off faster.
  • The granules contained in the balls add ions that are filled with negative charges to the water. After which the molecules begin to move faster, thereby improving the penetration of liquid into the fibers of the material.

Washing features

To ensure that washing your down jacket does not become the last time for it, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Carefully fold the down jacket and place it in the drum of the washing machine.
  2. Pour a suitable detergent into the powder compartment.
  3. Select the appropriate mode. Some automatic machines have a program for washing down jackets and blankets. If there is no such program, select one of the modes - “Washing woolen items”, “Washing delicate laundry”, “Delicate washing”, etc.
  4. If you set the water temperature manually, make sure it is no higher than 30 degrees. At high temperatures, the filler may clump and lose its properties.
  5. At the end of the program, additionally turn on the “Rinse” mode. It is advisable to rinse the down jacket 3-4 times. This will help rinse the detergent thoroughly and prevent streaks.
  6. The jacket should be wrung out at low speed (about 400-500 rpm).

Hand washing tips - video:

Washing with balls

The main difficulty in washing a down coat is that the filling easily clumps. As a result, outerwear becomes ugly and uncomfortable to wear. You can prevent the problem if you wash your down jacket with balls and tourmaline spheres. They will allow you to wash your jacket efficiently and ensure fluffiness and softness of the down. In addition, they have an additional antibacterial effect.

If there are no special spheres, you can use tennis balls instead. You need to throw them into the drum of the machine along with the down jacket. Consider a few simple tips:

  1. Before putting the balls in the washing machine, make sure they are not shedding.
  2. Tennis balls should be washed separately as dirt from them can transfer to the jacket.
  3. To wash a light down jacket, do not use brightly colored balls.

During the washing and spinning process, balls or balls fluff the fluff well, preventing it from clumping and deforming. If a coat is washed without balls, it will be much more difficult to restore its appearance.

Important tips when washing a down jacket in the washing machine - video:

Advice! If you don't have tennis balls or special spheres, you can replace them with rubber massage balls. Women who love to craft can put a ball of thread or yarn in a sock and put it in the machine. The main thing is that they do not shed.

What powder to wash a down jacket with: list of the best products

To wash a down jacket, it is better to use special detergents designed specifically for such things. As a rule, the products have a gel or liquid base with excellent cleaning properties. Such preparations easily penetrate the down fibers, do not form much foam, and therefore there is no risk of white stains on the surface of the product.

For down jackets

Today you can easily find a large number of cleaning products for down jackets on sale. Among them, the following drugs are considered the most common:

  • Down and Wool Wash . This detergent is well known to skiers and other people who love winter sports. In addition to the fact that the product is good for cleaning surfaces, it protects the filler from clumping and does not spoil the fatty layer of the down, which allows it to remain more elastic and very soft.
  • Heitmann. This product is intended for washing down jackets and sleeping bags that have natural filling. The gel contains lanolin, which creates natural protection for down.
  • Eco Nordland Sport. This liquid balm has a natural base. Using the product you can wash down jackets and thermal underwear. The active substances included in the balm begin their action at 20°C.
  • Domal Sport Fein Fashion. Using the balm you can clean down jackets, sportswear, even shoes. The drug allows the down to remain waterproof while maintaining its own structure. After the balm, bright impregnations and applications remain intact. The product has one minor drawback - things must be rinsed thoroughly after the drug.
  • Liquid powder Profkhim. The drug can be used when washing down jackets, blankets, and feather pillows. The product has the same positive properties as Domal balm. Thanks to it, the colors of the product are preserved, the fabrics do not lose their original appearance, and the down and feathers do not lose their fatty coating.
  • The following drugs are also considered quite popular today: Nikwax and Unipukh .

How to wash a down jacket by hand and treat heavily soiled areas and stains?

Hand washing is considered more effective, although you will have to spend more effort during it. It is more delicate than washing in a washing machine, therefore, the risk of damage to the material of the down jacket is eliminated.

  • As a rule, it is not recommended to use powder, since the foam that is formed from it is not completely rinsed out of the fluff. As a result, white streaks remain on the product.
  • Buy a better liquid gel or balm for down jackets, or for colored materials. You can safely replace these medications with liquid soap or regular shampoo. The only product that absolutely cannot be used is whiteness.

Pay special attention to those places where dirt most often occurs: on the collar, cuffs, pockets, elbows, stains. If these areas are very dirty, treat them with liquid soap or shampoo before cleaning. Gently scrub these areas using a clothes brush, then rinse off the foam under running water.


If there are stains on the down jacket:

  • Take undiluted detergent, wet the area where the stain is, and scrub gently with a brush. If you were unable to remove the stain, then apply an oxygen-containing stain remover to it.
  • Cleaning your down jacket at home will be much better if you place the down jacket in a vertical position. Less foam will penetrate the down, making it easier to rinse later.
  • Hang the product on a hanger in the bathroom above a large bowl. Add cleaning gel and warm water (approximately 30°C) to the bowl. Using a stiff brush, lather the material and scrub it thoroughly. Rinse the foam thoroughly under running water. Then rinse the product several times so that no traces of detergent remain on the material.

You can wash your jacket without hanging it on hangers as follows:

  • Soak the item in warm water for about 30 minutes. Scrub the material using a stiff sponge or brush. Rinse the powder thoroughly from the fluff so that streaks do not appear on the surface after the material dries.
  • Many housewives add a special conditioner to the water during the last rinse. Do not do this, as it can appear on the surface of the down jacket in the form of white streaks.

Little tricks

Before you start washing, we advise you to read the following tips.

  1. When washing by hand, first dilute the powder or liquid product in warm water (40 °C). This will activate it and make washing more efficient.
  2. The main problem with cleaning down jackets at home is the stains that remain on the fabric. In order to avoid this problem, it is necessary to reduce the recommended amount of product by 1/3 and set up an additional rinse cycle. If you are going to wash by hand, rinse the item thoroughly under running water for 5 minutes.
  3. The use of softeners and fabric conditioners when washing a down jacket is allowed. But it is important to consider that the amount of product should be minimal. Add ½ of the amount to the washing machine compartment or to a bowl of water for the final rinse. This is the amount that will make the material softer and will not lead to the formation of lumps from the filler.
  4. If your down jacket has large inserts of fur or leather that you cannot remove, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner. This is due to the fact that choosing a product that will properly clean a down jacket and not spoil the insert made of another material is quite problematic.

Thus, choosing the right detergent for washing down jackets is the key to excellent results! Using a proven liquid or powder, you will not only clean the down jacket of all contaminants, but also make it more voluminous, fluffy and soft. If you do everything according to the instructions, it will warm you for many more seasons.

How to properly wash a white down jacket?

Delicate clothing always needs extra attention and care. The white down jacket is no exception. One day you will have to clean this thing, but in doing so you may encounter some problems.

Down jacket with natural insulation

If your down jacket has natural filling, then you need to be especially careful. Do not soak this product, as the filler may then curl into lumps. Clean the jacket from dirt locally, wipe the sleeves and collar with a brush.

But there are situations when a down jacket needs to be completely washed, because over time gray deposits appear on it, plus dust penetrates into the interior of the product. Here you should carry out the following manipulations:

  • Take strong hangers and hang your jacket on them.
  • Hang a coat hanger above the bathtub.
  • Take soap, rub it on all the gray areas, and immediately rinse off the product with running water. This way you can remove all dirt, and the down jacket will not have yellow marks.

The white down jacket also needs to be washed

Down jacket with synthetic filling

If your down jacket has artificial filling, then you don't have to worry. This material is very easy to clean; you can only wash the product by hand. Proceed as follows:

  • Fill a bowl with warm water
  • Place the jacket in a bowl until the water completely covers it
  • Leave the product in the water for approximately 5 minutes.

Recommendation: Do not soak the down jacket for a long time, as it will absorb a lot of liquid and will take a long time to dry after cleaning.

  • Using a brush, gently scrub areas where there is dirt.
  • Squeeze the jacket to get more liquid out of it.
  • Hang the product to dry outside, for example, on the balcony

Helpful Tips:

  • Since the white down jacket is very soiled, use only liquid gel to wash it. But dry powder may leave blue spots from the granules on the product.
  • Buy a product that does not contain coloring components. An ordinary powder intended for children's clothes copes perfectly with the problem and does not harm the jacket.

Preparing for washing

Before washing, prepare the down according to the following instructions:

Before washing, check the contents of the pockets.

  • The dirtiest places should be pre-washed with laundry soap. It is completely harmless to the surface material and putty, but also dissolves dirt well.
  • To reduce the inside-out area of ​​down-filled clothing, all buttons, buttons and zippers should be fastened;
  • if there are places on the clothes where the seams are separated and there is filler, then they must first be lined;
  • It is better to wash a down jacket separately from other items of clothing, as it is quite bulky.

Instructions for washing a down jacket.

How to wash a down jacket: useful tips

  • If you want to wash natural fur on a down jacket, then hold it over steam for a while. This way it will look better.
  • Synthetic fur does not require special care. When the fur is thoroughly dry, comb it thoroughly with a brush or comb.
  • Wash the down jacket belt
  • Never wash heavily soiled items You may damage the product. Take these items to the dry cleaner.
  • Do not use bleach when washing if you want to clean a white jacket. You won't get a good result, and instead your jacket will only turn yellow from the powder. Only dry cleaning professionals can restore the original whiteness of your down jacket, plus they will not harm the product itself.

By following our recommendations, you can easily wash your own down jacket, giving it an excellent appearance.

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