How to make Varenka jeans: the dream of fashionistas of the 80s

Love them or hate them, bootcut jeans are back on the fashion pedestal. The acid wash process has its roots in 1960s California surf culture. Then wet-haired surfers got tired of their jeans fading in the sun and started using chlorine bleach on their own. The practice caused a stir in '80s punk culture, and in 1981 Guess introduced the first pair of "pre-washed" jeans. The style was so popular within subcultures and beyond that it is still considered one of the defining trends of the decade. After going out of fashion in the mid-90s, bootcut jeans made a triumphant return in 2019. Harper`s BAZAAR Kazakhstan offers a look at the history of boiled jeans from punk rockers to street style stars.

How to make your own varenki jeans at home

Here are some of the most popular methods:

  • Wash the jeans in the washing machine, adding washing powder and bleach in a concentration 3-5 times higher than usual. After this, the bottom of the legs and the waistband can be sewn up by hand using large stitches. This will allow you to boil only the outside of the product without affecting the inside. Pour bleach, a little bleach and soda into the drum of the washing machine and also place small wooden blocks. You can use wine corks - the more, the better. Run the normal wash cycle, and then dry the product and you can wear it;
  • How else to make jam on jeans yourself? First, prepare the solution: pour “Whiteness” into a large container at the rate of one glass per bucket of water. If you bought the drug in powder, then you need to take 100 g of powder per bucket of water. The solution must be brought to a boil and only after that the jeans should be lowered into it. If you want to get vertical stripes on the legs, then twist them as if squeezing. The characteristic stars can be easily obtained by pinching a section of fabric and tightening it with a money elastic band. How much to boil, everyone decides for himself, depending on the desired result. In general, exposure time varies from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours. At the end of it, the item will only need to be rinsed well and dried.

You don’t have to boil the jeans, but simply wash them and rub them while still wet on the armor mesh.
You can go over them with sandpaper. And another piece of advice for modern fashionistas: prepare chlorine water and sprinkle it on your favorite trousers. The places where it got into will become light red, with a touch of rust, but a saturated blue solution will help give them a blue tint. Just soak the product in it for a couple of hours, and then squeeze it out and dry it.

Recipe “How to weld jeans at home?”

Step 1 . You find your old jeans or buy cheap dull dark jeans at a second-hand store (at a glance it will be about 500-750 rubles).

Step 2 . You take the most common bleach WITH CHLORINE. Whiteness is the most) Cheap and effective.

Step 3 . You need an iron basin, an iron bucket or an old large saucepan, several old hair bands or just strings, rubber household gloves, an old ladle.

Step 4 . You tie dull jeans in a fancy and creative way. The video shows what it looks like. My mom recommends just twisting it into a rope, making it tighter, twisting it tightly, and tying it with thick rope. We did it and it turned out cool

Step 5 . You fill the basin with water up to halfway - I recommend it is quite hot. You pour bleach into the water in a proportion of about half the volume of water - this means a LOT of bleach.

You need to keep it in a solution with bleach for several hours, turning it one way or the other - the time depends on the fabric and the color of the original jeans. You need to focus on the resulting shade - you will see for yourself! I just kept it in bleach for 6 hours.

Note!;) If the jeans are dark, thick and of some decent brand (we read that they are dyed with high quality ), it is advisable to boil the jeans in a bleach solution. It will stink 100% - if you have allergies, then it is useful to avoid boiling. You need to boil for about 15-20 minutes.

Step 6 . Be sure to wear gloves.

Step 7 . Take out the finished cool jeans and wash them on a standard cycle. Let's dry!

READY! We wear it! You can also fight on your knees - it will be super fashionable.

We cook jeans the classic way

Making fashionable washed jeans at home is quite simple. All manipulations are easily carried out in your own kitchen. The entire manufacturing process is divided into three parts: preparation, cooking, finishing. Let's understand each of the steps.

Preparing jeans for boiling

To make a handmade fashion item you will need:

  • blue jeans of any cut;
  • 7-8 liters of clean water;
  • 1 cup of concentrated bleach (you can use “Whiteness”);
  • a saucepan or basin with a capacity of at least 10 liters;
  • thin hair bands;
  • clothespins or clips;
  • tongs or a simple strong stick for stirring;
  • latex gloves.

Important! All items that will come into contact with white must be clean and not release paint when heated.

Preparation process:

  1. Pour clean water into a basin and place the container on the stove.
  2. While the water is boiling, you should prepare your pants. Check they are clean and dry. Remember that the trousers must be made of denim, because the reaction of cotton additives to bleach can be unpredictable.
  3. Getting a different type of print depends on the method you choose when folding the legs.
  4. To obtain white vertical stripes, pull the trouser legs in several places with a tight elastic band.
  5. For large stains or wide stripes, twist and secure the twists with clips. This is ideal for decorating black men's trousers.
  6. To get thin stripes, the twists should be as tight as possible.
  7. Stars will be made if you attach ordinary clothespins to the fabric. The size of future stars directly depends on the size of the clothespins. This is the best way to decorate female models.

Pants cooking process

As soon as you notice that the water in the basin is boiling, you can proceed directly to cooking.

Important! Be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands. You will be working with chemicals, so there is a high chance of getting burned.

  1. Using a glass not used in the kitchen, measure out 250ml of bleach.
  2. Pour it into hot, but not yet boiling water.
  3. As soon as it boils, carefully lower the item into the container. The pattern depends on the safety of the twists and fastenings, so when laying, try not to damage them.
  4. Cooking time is about 15 minutes. This time can vary depending on how thick your pants are, what level of bleach you expect, and what bleach you use.

Important! Make sure that during the cooking process the item does not float to the surface; “drown” it with a stick or special wooden tongs from a semi-automatic machine.

Final stage

You need to complete the process like this:

  1. Once you are happy with the level of lightening, remove the pants from the water and let them cool slightly.
  2. Rinse the product several times. First with warm water, and then cold. You want all the bleach to go away.
  3. Place the trousers in the washing machine drum and wash using fabric softener. This will soften the denim, give the item a pleasant aroma and finally get rid of the smell of chlorine.
  4. Be sure to dry it in the fresh air.

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