How to clean a silicone phone case from a pen

Rules for cleaning silicone products

You should remember several rules for using silicone cases so that they do not lose their appearance and functionality for a long time:

  1. Do not keep the product in direct sunlight for a long time, as the color begins to fade.
  2. It is necessary to select a case based on the phone model, otherwise the accessory may become deformed over time. In addition, you should not constantly put on and take off the product unnecessarily.
  3. The case should be cleaned regularly with napkins or a damp cloth with a cleaning agent.
  4. Aggressive chemicals should not be used, as they damage the appearance of the cover.

Important! You should wipe silicone products dry after cleaning, as traces of stains from water and detergents are clearly visible on the material. This measure also helps prevent the transparent silicone case from darkening. In addition, moisture remaining on the accessory can damage the gadget and render it inoperable.

How to care for a silicone case

There are rules that will help the user keep the appearance of the case unchanged:

  1. Do not leave the case in direct sunlight or overheat it. Because of this, it will become cloudy and lose its transparency;
  2. You should not put your phone where there is a chance of getting it dirty;
  3. Do not clean it with aggressive things such as gasoline or acetone;
  4. Do not stretch the cover;
  5. You should rarely remove and put the case on your phone;
  6. Rinse the cover once a month with warm water to clean it of excess dirt.

How to clean a silicone phone case

To wash the silicone case, both household chemicals and folk recipes are used. The main thing is to follow safety rules and work with protective gloves if aggressive solutions are used.

Soapy water helps to wash many surfaces without harming the material. To prepare the solution, you need to pour warm water into a container, add 2 tbsp. l. shavings of laundry soap and stir until the ingredient dissolves. Next, the cover is lowered into water and left for 1 hour. After soaking, the dirt can be easily removed with a soft brush or sponge under running water.

Stain remover

Since cleaning a transparent silicone case from difficult stains is not an easy task, you have to use special stain removers.

Before choosing a product, you need to pay attention to three rules:

  1. Do not use chlorine bleaches.
  2. It is not recommended to rub the silicone surface with abrasive substances.
  3. Do not immerse the product in alkali, alcohol or solvent, as the item may be damaged.

Professional stain removers “Vanish”, “Boss” and “Frosch” are suitable for cleaning - they do not contain aggressive compounds. You can also purchase oxygen stain remover “Typhoon” or “OXY Color”. It is recommended to seek help from sales consultants, as they know the features of each product and can choose the appropriate brand.

Baking soda is found in almost every home; moreover, it costs much less than professional detergents. Despite this, its cleaning qualities are not inferior to household chemicals, and it does not harm products and does not leave streaks.

The protective accessory can be washed using the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 3 tbsp. l. detergent.

They need to be added to a pan of water, then put a cover in the solution and place the container on the stove. The product should be boiled for 5 minutes, then left for 30 minutes and rinsed.

Important! Do not use the pan in which food is cooked. Compounds produced when silicone is heated can leach into food and harm human health.

If dirt appears in places, you can rub the dirty areas with baking soda and rinse the cover with clean water.

Nail polish remover

This product removes various stains on silicone products well and does not harm the items themselves. For the procedure, you need to prepare a cotton pad, moisten it with nail polish remover and begin to wash off the stains. Then the cover is washed under water and wiped with a dry cloth.

Attention! The product should not contain acetone, as it can remove the paint from the silicone product.

The method is suitable for cleaning transparent cases, since low-quality nail polish remover can ruin the color and make it cloudy.

Alcohol-containing solutions

Regular care of the cover will help avoid serious contamination. To do this, you can use alcohol wipes: essentially, this is a material soaked in isopropyl alcohol. They are sold in sealed packaging, so the product does not evaporate during storage. Wipes degrease the surface of the silicone case and quickly remove traces of dirt.

Attention! If the silicone has a pattern made with low-quality paints, then alcohol wipes can ruin it.

The product can also be cleaned with a regular solution of alcohol and water: this will remove dried marks and degrease the silicone.

Gasoline for lighters

You should choose gasoline with a high octane number. You need to moisten a cotton swab in the liquid and wipe the contaminated area of ​​the cover. Particularly difficult stains should be thoroughly wiped until completely removed. Next, you should treat the silicone with lemon juice or ammonia to get rid of the smell of gasoline.


Many household products help clean silicone, including toothpaste. You need to squeeze a little paste onto the silicone, gently rub it into the contaminated parts of the product and rinse with clean water.

Advice. It is recommended to use a plain paste without abrasive particles. Colored inclusions can stain a light-colored case or scratch the surface.

Lemon acid

This product effectively and quickly removes dirt not only from silicone products, but also from fabrics, leather and fur. To clean the case, you need to take a plastic bowl, pour hot water (not boiling water) into it, then add a bag of citric acid. Place the silicone product in the solution and leave for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the cover should be rinsed under running water or washed with a cleaning agent, depending on the severity of the contamination.

It is recommended to regularly wipe the case with a solution of citric acid for prevention, as it degreases the surface of the accessory well.

How to wash a silicone case with improvised means

When a wet wipe no longer helps, you can refresh and wash the product using several methods. When considering different options, take into account the degree of contamination; for light and minor stains, choose delicate products, and for old and stubborn stains, you can use more aggressive ones.

Cleaning transparent and white products has its own characteristics; only gentle products without large abrasive particles or aggressive substances in the composition are suitable for them. Use a soft washcloth or brush. There is no need to wipe the dirty areas with force; unsightly marks may remain.

Soap solution or eraser

A simple, affordable and gentle method, however, it involves cleaning weak, minor contaminants. If there are scratches and cracks with old, ingrained dirt, it will not help. Carry out cleaning as follows:

  • dilute 3 tsp. gel or creamy soap in a glass of water, the solution should foam well;
  • Place the entire accessory into the mixture and leave for 20–60 minutes;
  • clean the case from dirt with a soft sponge;
  • Wash the product with plenty of water (not hot), dry thoroughly with a napkin.

Soap solutions can be used to wash transparent, matte, white and colored silicone products. If the products fail to remove even minor stains, try cleaning them with laundry soap. Grind a small piece of soap on a fine grater, dilute it in water, dip the case in the solution for 2–4 minutes, rub the product a little with a sponge, rinse, and wipe with a dry cloth. You can immediately apply laundry soap to a washcloth and wash the accessory with it.

How to remove pen marks

You should carefully wipe off traces of the pen from the case, as they can easily be smeared on the surface. You can take a regular office eraser and rub it over the stained area.

Attention! It is better to choose a white eraser as it does not leave colored marks on the silicone.

Essential oil also erases pen marks: you need to apply it to a cotton pad and rub the stain until it disappears completely. In addition, baking soda and water mixed to form a paste help.

You can also use professional products for removing traces of ink, pens and felt-tip pens, which are sold at most office supply stores. Before use, you must read the instructions for use, since the algorithm of actions may vary depending on the brand of the product.

How to remove marks from a ballpoint pen?

The first aid if ballpoint pen ink gets on silicone is wet wipes. It is best if they are alcohol-based, but if there are none, regular ones will do. Use napkins to wipe away fresh marks. In cases where the ink has not yet been absorbed, this will be enough. Sometimes it is not possible to provide first aid to an accessory. Then other effective methods will help you wash the silicone case from the pen.


You will need any liquid that contains alcohol: strong alcohol, perfume, cologne. However, medical or industrial alcohol does the job better.

The silicone product can be cleaned as follows:

  1. Dip a cotton pad or piece of cotton wool in alcohol.
  2. Rub the surface using little force until the ink comes off.

Attention! Like acetone, alcohol can ruin the design on the product. Therefore, before cleaning, it is recommended to test the effect of the product on a small area. If the color does not become paler, alcohol can be used.

Dishwashing liquid

The liquid will help remove fresh pen marks; you must:

  1. Pour warm water into the container where the accessory is placed.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of the product and stir.
  3. Immerse the silicone case in the soapy solution.
  4. After half an hour or an hour, clean it with a brush and laundry soap.
  5. Wash off the foam.
  6. Dry.

How to bleach a yellowed case

Silicone is a lightweight and inexpensive material that does not require special care. However, over time it loses its neat appearance and may turn yellow.

You can whiten silicone products in several ways:

  1. Toothpaste. It is enough to wipe the yellowed areas with white paste and rinse under running water.
  2. Alcohol. It cleans transparent cases well, but must be diluted in water before use.
  3. Soda and ammonia. The components are mixed with water in the same ratio and applied to the product for 20-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the cover is washed in warm water and wiped.
  4. Milk and protein. You should prepare a mixture of beaten white of one chicken egg and a small amount of milk. Using a paper napkin, apply the solution to the dirty area and leave until completely dry. After this, the dried product is cleaned off with a brush.
  5. Onion. The juice of the onion helps against yellowness - the dirt will break down and it will be easy to remove. However, the onion smell will remain, but this problem can be solved with the help of wet wipes.

There are many ways to clean a silicone case, and you can combine them to achieve better results. However, you should remember the basic rules for caring for silicone and avoiding serious stains. When working with ammonia and gasoline, it is recommended to wear protective gloves, and if liquid gets on exposed areas, wash them under cool running water and soap.

Mobile phone is becoming an integral part of our lives. Now it is not only a means of communication, but also a navigator, organizer, and video camera. Like all other electronic gadgets, it requires careful maintenance. And this is where covers come to our aid. The most numerous and widespread of them are silicone.

The silicone case not only protects the phone from dust and dirt, but also improves the appearance of the device. There are a sufficient number of different models of cases in the retail network. However, silicone has one unpleasant feature. It literally, like a sponge, absorbs all the dirt, so it can be problematic to clean such a cover later. This is especially true for marks from a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen. In addition, silicone is a very soft material that requires delicate care.

Or there is an even simpler option: buy regular wet wipes and wipe the case with them from time to time.

How to remove old stains

If none of the methods work, try cleaning the old stain on the silicone with vegetable oil. The product will even remove traces of tape and glue; aromatic essential oils work well with traces from a felt-tip pen, marker or pen. Apply a little product to the sponge, rub the problem area, wash off with soap and plenty of running water.

Another good way is to beat the white of one egg, add 50 ml of warm milk, and mix. Soak a paper towel in the mixture, treat the stained areas, and leave the case until the mixture dries. Clean the product with a soft brush, rinse and wipe dry.


White silicone covers are most vulnerable to various stains; for gentle but effective cleaning, you can use sprays or liquids for washing plastic covers.

We clean the case using gentle methods

The first thing you can do is try to clean the case using a chlorine-free cleaner. You can use shampoo, toilet soap, or any liquid dishwashing detergent. Dissolve a little detergent in warm water and whisk until foam forms. Then place the case in the resulting liquid for 30-40 minutes. Then use a soft sponge to wipe the most contaminated areas and rinse with plenty of water. Now all that remains is to wipe the phone dry.


You can try to erase marks from a ballpoint pen with a regular light eraser. Just rub the dirty areas with a dry school eraser. Then take a cotton pad, drop an alcohol-containing liquid on it (for example, industrial alcohol, cologne, or balm) and wipe the case.


You can try to remove marks from a pen or marker with toothpaste. Take a silicone case, squeeze toothpaste onto it and spread it over the entire surface. After 20 minutes, wipe with a cotton pad. Toothpaste absorbs dirt and marker marks. To clean completely, repeat the procedure.

If the paste doesn't help, try shaving foam. Apply and wait 10 minutes. After this, remove with a cotton pad.

Baking soda

If after this it was not possible to remove all the dirt, then you need to add a few drops of water to the baking soda and apply the resulting slurry to the cover. There is no need to rub in baking soda, as this can damage the silicone. After the soda has dried, you need to shake it off the case and rinse it in cold water.


You can also try a non-aggressive method to wash the white or any other cover with industrial alcohol or vodka. Place a drop of alcohol on a cotton swab and try to clean the surface of the case.

Nail polish remover

Another common method for washing a case. This method must be used with caution, if you have a pattern on the case, it may be damaged. Or your case is not white, but colored.

Try practicing on the back or edge of the case first. Use a cotton pad with liquid to wipe the surface, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

How to remove stubborn stains from a silicone case

Stubborn stains, stubborn marks from a pen or felt-tip pen, food stains (especially coffee or juice) are very difficult to remove from a silicone surface. To wash the silicone case, in this case a regular soap solution or soda paste will not help.

First of all, try special cleaning products for silicone products, which are sold in household chemical stores. They have a composition that is safe for such material and will help remove difficult stains and remove dirt. However, these drugs are quite expensive.

If you want to save your budget, you can clean your silicone phone case at home using available products. They will not be able to completely restore the previous appearance, but will help maintain the aesthetics and attractiveness of the product.

Powdered bleach or chlorine stain remover is often used. Add a little powder to warm water and stir until foam forms. Apply the solution to the product or heavily soiled areas using a soft brush. Then rinse thoroughly with a damp sponge, rinse the case in cool water, and wipe dry.

A nail polish remover, but without acetone, will help get rid of stains! Apply the solution to the contaminated areas using a cotton pad and wipe, then rinse with water and wipe the product dry. However, this method is not suitable for a color model, since nail polish remover erases the color, reduces the brightness and makes the case faded.

A white or transparent silicone phone case can be cleaned with toothpaste or tooth powder. Apply the product to a sponge or brush and smoothly and gently rub the surface of the case. Leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with running water. Don't forget to dry the case. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Toothpaste or powder effectively removes stains and yellow discoloration.

Another way to bleach silicone is a solution prepared from soda, ammonia and water. Take the ingredients in equal proportions and mix. Apply the resulting composition to the product and leave for twenty minutes. Then rinse the case in water and dry with a clean, dry cloth.

Stains from pens, ink or felt-tip pens, and greasy fingerprints are removed with alcohol. The cover is completely soaked in a container of alcohol, then washed in running water and wiped dry.

This method will remove stubborn stains and degrease the surface. In addition, the ink and pen effectively remove essential oils. Sunflower oil will help remove stains from tape, stickers or glue.

We clean the case using aggressive methods

If the previous methods did not help, let's try to wash the silicone using more radical methods. It must be said right away that you risk ruining the silicone.

Boric acid and alcohol

For this method we need the following:

  1. Liquid dishwashing detergent.
  2. Borax (boric acid - sold in pharmacies).
  3. Industrial alcohol.
  4. Toothbrush with soft bristles.

Use a cotton swab dipped in technical alcohol to wipe the most contaminated areas of the cover. Then, add a little borax to the liquid dishwashing detergent and mix it all in a small amount of water. The cover should be left in the resulting solution for 60-80 minutes. Once the dirt has dissolved, you can gently clean the case with a toothbrush. Rinse with water and wipe dry.

Chlorine bleach or sandpaper

If none of the above methods failed to clear the dirt, then you can use a number of stronger cleaning agents. But you need to understand that using them can either clean the case or ruin it hopelessly.

Products that are recommended to be used only at your own risk:

  • Chlorine bleach.
  • Detergent with abrasive particles.
  • Fine sandpaper.

If the cover has changed its color or darkened over time, then, as a rule, it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the original whiteness. Usually, low quality covers change color. Therefore, you should not save when choosing an accessory.

Useful tips

Some useful tips:

  • Silicone cases need to be washed as often as possible, because it is much more difficult to remove stubborn dirt.
  • Light stains can be removed with a regular eraser.
  • The brush for cleaning the cover must have soft bristles.
  • Cheap silicone cases quickly turn yellow and tear. In addition, they do not tolerate cleaning procedures well.
  • It is unacceptable for silicone cases to be exposed to open sunlight for a long time.
  • Sunflower oil will help remove sticky marks from the price tag or tape from the case.
  • You can try to remove lightly ingrained dirt using a melamine sponge.
  • Marker marks on the case can be removed with ether.

Use these simple recommendations, and such work as cleaning your phone case will not cause you much trouble, and its use will be long and enjoyable.

The video shows how to clean your tablet case:

Mobile phone is becoming an integral part of our lives. Now it is not only a means of communication, but also a navigator, organizer, and video camera. Like all other electronic gadgets, it requires careful maintenance. And this is where covers come to our aid. The most numerous and widespread of them are silicone.

The silicone case not only protects the phone from dust and dirt, but also improves the appearance of the device. There are a sufficient number of different models of cases in the retail network. However, silicone has one unpleasant feature. It literally, like a sponge, absorbs all the dirt, so it can be problematic to clean such a cover later. This is especially true for marks from a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen. In addition, silicone is a very soft material that requires delicate care.

Or there is an even simpler option: buy regular wet wipes and wipe the case with them from time to time.

We clean the case using gentle methods

The first thing you can do is try to clean the case using a chlorine-free cleaner. You can use shampoo, toilet soap, or any liquid dishwashing detergent. Dissolve a little detergent in warm water and whisk until foam forms. Then place the case in the resulting liquid for 30-40 minutes. Then use a soft sponge to wipe the most contaminated areas and rinse with plenty of water. Now all that remains is to wipe the phone dry.


You can try to erase marks from a ballpoint pen with a regular light eraser. Just rub the dirty areas with a dry school eraser. Then take a cotton pad, drop an alcohol-containing liquid on it (for example, industrial alcohol, cologne, or balm) and wipe the case.


You can try to remove marks from a pen or marker with toothpaste. Take a silicone case, squeeze toothpaste onto it and spread it over the entire surface. After 20 minutes, wipe with a cotton pad. Toothpaste absorbs dirt and marker marks. To clean completely, repeat the procedure.

If the paste doesn't help, try shaving foam. Apply and wait 10 minutes. After this, remove with a cotton pad.

Baking soda

If after this it was not possible to remove all the dirt, then you need to add a few drops of water to the baking soda and apply the resulting slurry to the cover. There is no need to rub in baking soda, as this can damage the silicone. After the soda has dried, you need to shake it off the case and rinse it in cold water.


You can also try a non-aggressive method to wash the white or any other cover with industrial alcohol or vodka. Place a drop of alcohol on a cotton swab and try to clean the surface of the case.

Nail polish remover

Another common method for washing a case. This method must be used with caution, if you have a pattern on the case, it may be damaged. Or your case is not white, but colored.

Try practicing on the back or edge of the case first. Use a cotton pad with liquid to wipe the surface, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

We clean the case using aggressive methods

If the previous methods did not help, let's try to wash the silicone using more radical methods. It must be said right away that you risk ruining the silicone.

Boric acid and alcohol

For this method we need the following:

  1. Liquid dishwashing detergent.
  2. Borax (boric acid - sold in pharmacies).
  3. Industrial alcohol.
  4. Toothbrush with soft bristles.

Use a cotton swab dipped in technical alcohol to wipe the most contaminated areas of the cover. Then, add a little borax to the liquid dishwashing detergent and mix it all in a small amount of water. The cover should be left in the resulting solution for 60-80 minutes. Once the dirt has dissolved, you can gently clean the case with a toothbrush. Rinse with water and wipe dry.

Chlorine bleach or sandpaper

If none of the above methods failed to clear the dirt, then you can use a number of stronger cleaning agents. But you need to understand that using them can either clean the case or ruin it hopelessly.

Products that are recommended to be used only at your own risk:

  • Chlorine bleach.
  • Detergent with abrasive particles.
  • Fine sandpaper.

If the cover has changed its color or darkened over time, then, as a rule, it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the original whiteness. Usually, low quality covers change color. Therefore, you should not save when choosing an accessory.

Useful tips

Some useful tips:

  • Silicone cases need to be washed as often as possible, because it is much more difficult to remove stubborn dirt.
  • Light stains can be removed with a regular eraser.
  • The brush for cleaning the cover must have soft bristles.
  • Cheap silicone cases quickly turn yellow and tear. In addition, they do not tolerate cleaning procedures well.
  • It is unacceptable for silicone cases to be exposed to open sunlight for a long time.
  • Sunflower oil will help remove sticky marks from the price tag or tape from the case.
  • You can try to remove lightly ingrained dirt using a melamine sponge.
  • Marker marks on the case can be removed with ether.

Use these simple recommendations, and such work as cleaning your phone case will not cause you much trouble, and its use will be long and enjoyable.

The video shows how to clean your tablet case:

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