Easy ways to straighten the fluff in a down jacket after an unsuccessful wash

A down jacket is a very comfortable and practical thing that keeps you warm in cold weather. But not everyone knows that it requires special care. It is not always possible to take a down jacket to the dry cleaner every time, and after washing a down jacket at home, the down may form into clumps. This will greatly spoil its appearance, and even impair its ability to protect itself from the cold. But even if such a situation has already occurred, you should not rush to throw away the item, because there are easy and effective methods for straightening the fluff in a down jacket after washing.

Causes of filler lumps

Down is considered an excellent heat insulator, but only in a dry and fluffy form. When washed, down absorbs water and forms lumps, which is why it loses its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, high-quality products use water-repellent fabric.

The main reasons for the appearance of fluff balls in a down jacket:

  • Cheap fabric. Cheap down jackets do not have water-repellent properties, so the down can form into clumps even when worn, for example, after rain or snow.
  • Store rolled up. If the jacket lies folded for a long time, the down becomes compressed.
  • Improper washing and drying. Even the best quality down jacket can suffer from down clumps after improper washing.

Many people do not pay attention to the labels that indicate how to care for the item. As a result, after washing you may find clumps, but this is not as scary as it seems, because there are several options for fluffing up fluff at home.

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How to properly store a down jacket?

Today, down jackets are called any voluminous jackets and coats. However, initially a down jacket meant a jacket filled with natural down and feathers of birds (mainly ducks). Down has high heat-saving properties, while it is light, airy, and almost weightless. Thanks to its airiness, a thermal insulation effect is achieved: air is retained in the down and feathers, which prevents frost from penetrating inside the clothes. However, a significant disadvantage of real down jackets is that the insulation can become loose. It is not advisable to get it wet or even just fold it compactly.

Real down jackets marked “down” (literally translated as “bottom”, that is, the lower part of the feathers) should be stored correctly on hangers in the closet, straightened out, in a breathable fabric cover.

Down jackets are stored in a dark, dry place. The product should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the color of the fabric will fade. And dampness can cause mold to form.

Storing down jackets with synthetic insulation

Today, natural down and feathers are increasingly being replaced by synthetic substitutes. Artificial fibers are formed into granules or so-called bio-fluff. Outwardly, it looks like natural, but is not inferior in warmth. And synthetic insulation does not absorb moisture, it is very elastic and light. After compression, they very quickly restore their shape and are not afraid of detergents. They are easy to care for, wash and store. Such down jackets are usually folded compactly or stored in a vacuum bag.

Synthetic insulation materials include: polyester, holofiber, isosoft, thinsulate, thermofin, shelter, holofin, polyfill, dupont and others.

How to fluff up the down in a down jacket after washing?

If the washing was unsuccessful and the jacket turned into a lumpy bag, then do not immediately despair. One of the following methods will help correct the situation and return the product to its previous appearance.

Manual method

This procedure may take several hours, but it is effective, safe and does not require any costs. It is advisable to carry out this procedure when the product is still wet, but this method also works on dry things.

  1. Using pinching movements, it is necessary to work through each cell separately on both sides. This way we straighten the fluff and distribute it evenly.
  2. Each cell must be massaged between the palms.
  3. After completing the processing of each cell, it needs to be patted with the palm of your hand on both sides.
  4. After completing the procedure of manually straightening the down, the down jacket must be shaken and fluffed by hand.

In the washing machine

You can also break down the down in a washing machine by loading the down jacket into it and setting it to spin mode. It is important that the spin speed is no more than 800 rpm. In addition to the product itself, it is necessary

load some tennis balls. You can also purchase special balls that are designed for washing things with down filling. After squeezing, the jacket must be shaken and beaten with your hands, the lumps should disappear.


Straighten the down jacket and lay it out on the bed or floor. Next, you need to take a carpet beater or something similar, such as a kitchen spatula, and pat it over the entire surface of the jacket. It is important that the beater does not have sharp parts, otherwise the fabric may be damaged. This way, you will be able to break up the clumps of fluff. Next, you need to shake the item in all directions to evenly distribute the filler.

Using a vacuum cleaner

1 method

For this procedure, you need a vacuum cleaner that can not only suck in air, but also blow it out. You need to place the jacket in a vacuum bag and use a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the air. Then, it must be pumped back into the package, and this procedure must be carried out several times. This will help straighten out the down and return the washed down jacket to its previous appearance.

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Method 2

A regular vacuum cleaner is also suitable for this procedure. You will also need a brush attachment. It is necessary to place the down jacket on any straight surface, turn on the vacuum cleaner and move the brush attachment over the surface from the inside of the jacket, this will distribute the filler evenly.

Using a hair dryer

This method is suitable for use after washing. You need to direct a cold or warm air stream from a hairdryer to the inside of the product and dry it, simultaneously whisking the lumps with your hands.

Using a steamer

First you need to beat the down jacket with a carpet beater, and then treat it with a steamer or iron on the inside. After cooling, the down jacket will take on its normal appearance.

Drying with temperature change

This method is only suitable for winter. You need to hang the jacket on a trempel and place it on the balcony, after a while it needs to be brought in and hung in the apartment. This procedure is repeated several times. When the temperature changes, the fluff particles lose their adhesion to each other and fall apart. But after such drying, for a better result, you still need to straighten the down manually, fluffing and patting the jacket.

Recovery methods

There are several ways to help restore a down jacket. This can be done with improvised means.

Vacuum cleaner

You will need a unit with a blowing function. How to straighten the filler with a vacuum cleaner:

  • place the product in a plastic bag;
  • use a vacuum cleaner to remove all the air from there to create a vacuum;
  • make a small hole in the bag with scissors;
  • set the blowing mode, fluff the thing.

This will take a few minutes.


In winter, you can dry the down jacket after washing with a hairdryer:

  • hang the jacket on hangers with the zipper open;
  • turn on cold air, blow from the wrong side.

This will help shake up the filler.

Steamer, iron

There is some fluff in your jacket and you have a couple of hours of free time, so the iron method will do:

  • lay the clothes on a horizontal hard surface;
  • thoroughly straighten all corners;
  • break the fluff with a stick or carpet beater;
  • turn it inside out and iron it through the gauze from the wrong side;
  • Cool the item and repeat the steps several times.

For convenience, you should use a steamer. This will save time.

How to do it manually

How to fluff a down jacket after washing with your own hands:

  1. Place it on the table, straighten the fluff that has rolled into lumps. Shake, pinch the thing. Leave it on the table until dry.
  2. Periodically approach, straighten, pinch. Beat every time.
  3. Hang the jacket on hangers so that the down does not begin to fade. This will lead to an unpleasant odor.
  4. If the fluff gets lost when washing a down jacket in winter, a change in temperature will save it. Hang it outside for a while, then bring it home. This is done several times until it dries, whisking the product all the time.
  5. A dry item can be straightened in the washing machine. They set the “spin” program, put clothes and a few balls there. When finished, remove and beat with your hands.

These methods are not suitable for everyone; not everyone can boast of great physical strength.

other methods

The down jacket looks different before and after washing. Outerwear needs to be restored to its original appearance immediately. In this case, the likelihood of getting an almost new item is higher.

What to do if the down jacket has become thin:

  • knead and straighten each cell, each piece of filler with your hands;
  • fluff it up like a pillow every time.

If there are no washing balls, use plastic children's cubes. You can use clean sneakers by placing them in a pillowcase or wrapping them in a rag.

Outerwear can be restored after dry cleaning. When none of the methods have helped, you are scared to take on the task yourself, or the jacket is expensive, it is better to turn to professionals. They will return the product to its original appearance.

How to beat the fluff in a down jacket with a beater or stick:

  • Shake the slightly damp item vigorously;
  • put it on the table and straighten it out;
  • work with a beater for a minute or two;
  • shake and repeat steps.

What to do with the fluff if it's gone forever? Sometimes it is impossible to straighten the inside of the jacket. This happens when the problem was not dealt with immediately, and the item lay or hung in the closet until the next season. The only option is to replace the filler. In the studio, instead of down, they will put padding polyester inside. It’s worth thinking about what’s cheaper and easier - to give the jacket to a tailor shop or buy a new one.

It is easier to straighten padding polyester than fluff. The manual method or with a carpet beater is suitable. If it has bunched up, you can go from the middle to the sides with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner. This will stretch it into place.

What to do to prevent the fluff from matting

Now you know what to do if the fluff gets stuck in a ball, but it’s better to prevent the problem from occurring than to solve it. Therefore, you should know a few tips on how to avoid the filler from clumping.

  • This item can be washed at a water temperature of no more than 40 degrees and a spin speed of no more than 800 rpm.
  • It is necessary to use the rinse mode 2-3 times.
  • It is advisable to use not simple powders, but special gels for washing products with fluff.
  • Drying must be done hanging.
  • Do not dry your jacket on a radiator or in direct sunlight.
  • During drying, it is recommended to beat the product by hand every two hours.

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Now you know how to wash a down jacket to avoid the filling from falling off, and what to do if such a problem does happen. Although a down jacket is a practical item, it requires special care, so you should pay attention to the labels and use the recommendations for caring for the product.


A few common mistakes:

  • do not soak your down jacket;
  • do not try to bleach the item;
  • Temperatures above 30°C are harmful to the product;
  • soaking or washing entirely is not recommended if feathers or fluff have come out, as this will aggravate the situation;
  • do not put several down jackets in the car at once, especially together with other things;
  • if the down jacket takes a very long time to dry, place it at a safe distance from the heating device, but the drying time should be a maximum of 48 hours;
  • if you dry an item, do not place it on a cloth, as this interferes with air circulation, which leads to a musty smell;
  • regularly beat the product and do not allow it to dry in a crumpled form.

If the down item is slightly dirty, it is better to simply wash it. Use a gentle detergent for this. Typically, the material of a down jacket is impregnated, which protects the down filling it from moisture. It is better to wash a down jacket in the spring, as is fluffing it, when warm clothes are put away until the next season.

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