The best means and methods for washing leather gloves at home

General rules for washing leather products

It is necessary to care for gloves made of genuine leather, following the advice of specialists. You can spoil something quickly. And then you won't be able to wear it. Water causes leather products to become smaller in size and crack. It's best to be smart about washing your gloves. If the contamination is not severe, then it is better to clean the surface of the skin with chemical or folk remedies.

The lining fabric of gloves also requires careful care. Leather gloves are washed in an automatic machine. But you should set the “Delicate mode” and the water temperature to 30 degrees.

You can hand wash your gloves in cool water and a detergent containing lanolin. To prevent the products from losing their shape, it is better to put them on your hands. You can rub it with a cotton pad or cloth. Be sure to rinse the item by adding a few drops of glycerin or acetic acid to the water.

During drying, try to knead the product with a rolling pin so that the skin does not become rough. Castor oil and glycerin will add softness and elasticity to the material.

Photo tips on how to clean leather gloves

Read here Caring for suede shoes: tips and secrets of simple care for the capricious material (125 photos and videos)

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What products to use for care

To make leather gloves look well-groomed and beautiful, you need to clean the products 2-3 times a month. There are many skin care products offered by specialty stores. But you can also use folk ones sparingly.


It is better to clean your skin with beeswax products. The substance will soften the skin if the gloves are wet. It must be applied to a dry surface, having previously cleaned it of dirt. You can make your own leather cleaner using wax. Melt 9 grams of bee product. Add pine turpentine (16 grams) and potassium carbonate (1.5 grams) while stirring. Having brought the mixture to a temperature of 60-70 degrees, add water while mixing. The resulting paste is stored in a closed jar.


You can soften rough gloves with baby cream. Apply the cream with a cotton pad and leave for a few minutes. Then remove excess cosmetic product with a napkin. At home, you can soak gloves with cream by preparing a special product from 200 grams of lard, 50 grams of beeswax and 5 grams of pine turpentine. After stirring until smooth, pour the cream into a glass container with a tight lid. The composition is applied to leather gloves. After 20 minutes, wipe with flannel, removing excess cream.

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Cleaning foam

Heavy dirt is removed using special foam. It is applied by placing the container vertically, after shaking it. After the procedure, use a clean flannel cloth.

Stain remover

Before using a chemical, check the skin's reaction to it. If the color and structure of the material has not changed, then feel free to apply the stain remover to the surface of the gloves, following the instructions.

Impregnated wipes

You can buy cleaning wipes at the store. They are impregnated with special solutions that improve color and remove various types of stains.

Features of cleaning different products

To ensure that genuine leather products have a neat appearance, they must be cleaned properly. The selection of cleaning products and methods depends on the color and quality of leather gloves.


Gloves made of light or white leather look beautiful. But they get dirty quickly, so they need to be cleaned more often.

Egg white

The faded surface of natural leather is refreshed with egg white. It must be beaten well, moistened with a soft cloth and wiped. Then rub until shiny with clean flannel. The white color will last a long time if you clean it with a mixture of milk and whipped egg white.


When spots appear on light skin, you will need an onion. It is cleaned, cut in half and applied to problem areas on the gloves.

Lemon juice

The best option for lightening darkened skin is lemon juice. A clean napkin is moistened with juice and wiped with light gloves.


On the dark surface of natural material, dirt is invisible. But over time, shiny areas appear that spoil the appearance of the product. When cleaning, it is necessary to avoid products with a bleaching effect.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Leather gloves are best cleaned using a mixture consisting of 5 ml of ammonia and 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The substances are dissolved in 100 ml of water. Cleaning will happen faster if you add a tablespoon of washing powder. Treat contaminated areas with the prepared solution, wiping with a cotton pad. Then - with a soft napkin.

Milk and soda

The cleaning product is prepared from a glass of warm milk and a tablespoon of baking soda. Apply the liquid to the surface with a cotton pad. After holding it for a while, remove the excess with a material that absorbs moisture well.

Gasoline and turpentine

Kid gloves can be easily cleaned with a mixture of 2 parts gasoline and 1 part turpentine. After the procedure, the products should be dried in fresh air. When heavily soiled, dark leather gloves are dipped into gasoline and quickly removed. Then wipe dry with a cloth and ventilate in the air. Gasoline can be replaced with carbon tetrachloride.

Liquid soap

Cleaning shiny leather is successful if you wipe the products with soapy water. To make the skin soft, you can add a few drops of vegetable oil to the solution. When cleaning with liquid soap, it is recommended to stretch the products onto special forms. When things are dry, they are pulled out and laid down to dry completely.

If there is soap left on the surface, it should not be removed. It will give the material more elasticity and softness.


The leather of patent leather will be made elastic by a mixture of egg yolk, 3 tablespoons of turpentine and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rubbing with a cut onion or onion juice gives shine to tarnished gloves.

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If the varnish on top begins to crack, you can smear it a little with Vaseline and then polish it with a flannel cloth. Castor oil will also help, a thin layer of which is left on the surface of the products for 15 minutes.


Colored skin is cared for in the same way as dark skin:

  • shine from shiny areas is removed with a mixture of warm milk and soda;
  • The lycra is wiped with a soft cloth soaked in milk with the addition of 5-6 drops of ammonia per glass;
  • clean with bread crumbs or wash in gasoline;
  • hardened skin is lubricated with castor oil or soap solution;
  • the skin shines when wiped with a cloth in which coffee grounds are wrapped.

Use gasoline to clean colored leather gloves.

Cleaning Recommendations

It should immediately be noted that interaction of leather gloves with water is not allowed. To avoid having to throw things away, read the tips below before cleaning.


  1. Leather items are of high quality, but expensive, so cleaning from dirt should be carried out at the first sign of contamination. Do not run the product so that it can only be disposed of or purchased new. Everything must be done on time!

  2. If you are not sure that you can handle the contamination yourself, take your gloves to the dry cleaner. But remember that not everywhere there are good professionals who can cope with skin pollution.
  3. Do not wash gloves in a washing machine, as this will deform the item beyond recognition. Clean only the surface of the product!
  4. Never iron leather items! High temperature causes deformation.

This method is suitable for all skin types. Take your gloves and shake them. Put one glove on your hand first, and then get to work.

Follow these steps:

  1. Dampen the item with a soft soapy sponge.
  2. Rub the surface.
  3. Immediately remove the remaining solution along with any dirt using a slightly damp sponge or cloth. The material must not be completely wet!

What to do with the lining

If the outside of the gloves are cleaned regularly, the inside will wear out. Hence the unpleasant odor from the product. You should carry out cleaning procedures from the inside of the item.


Usually the inside of leather gloves is lined with knitwear. It needs to be stretched. To do this, heat the water and add detergent to it. Turn the gloves inside out and put them on a special device. Use a soft brush dipped in soapy water to wipe the lining. Then clean with water without soap. All that remains is to remove excess liquid from the lining with napkins, changing them.


It is better to clean fur with talcum powder or starch. The gloves turned outward are laid out on the table. Sprinkle the fur with powder and brush it. Carry out the procedure several times until the fur is clean. The powder is shaken out, and the gloves are returned to their original position. If the fur inside is artificial, then remove the dirt with a brush dipped in soapy water. Then - with clean water and dried at a temperature of 50 degrees. The fur is rubbed with a mixture of gasoline and water.

Removing stains

If stains appear on the surface of the gloves, you need to get rid of them before cleaning the product. Stains from dirt and water appear. They fall on leather material during the rainy season.


If you find droplets of dirt on your gloves, you should try to clean them off with a soft brush. If the stains remain, then apply a paste of soda. A mixture of potassium carbonate and gasoline is suitable. It is necessary to clean stains from the middle of the stain to the edges. Colored leather is cleaned with an onion cut in half.


Paint stains are removed with gasoline. Use a cotton swab to rub over the stain, then wipe with a clean flannel cloth. Ink can be removed from gloves with salt. Wet crystals are poured onto the stain, wiped, and then smeared with turpentine. Rub a paste of magnesium carbonate, talc and turpentine or gasoline onto the contaminated area. After a few minutes, a solvent (gasoline or turpentine) is added. When the paste dries, it is cleaned off. Repeat the treatment if the stain remains.

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How to dry properly at home

After cleaning and washing, leather gloves should be dried properly. This is done so that the skin does not become hard or warp. Dry at room temperature, away from heating appliances. If laid out outdoors, protect from direct sunlight. After washing, it is better to put leather products on special forms. When the products are slightly dry, they are pulled out and placed in a horizontal position. The material should be pulled out transversely rather than longitudinally.

Leather gloves - care and storage:

  • Leather products often become stiff and wrinkled with wear. Castor oil can cope with this problem. It must be applied with a cotton pad in a thin layer onto gloves and lightly rubbed in. This method helps restore elasticity and softness to leather accessories, as well as give them a characteristic shine within a few hours after the composition is absorbed. This is exactly the product that can be used to lubricate leather gloves after washing.
  • There are frequent cases of shedding of the insides of the product, as a result of which the hands are constantly dirty. The solution to this problem is to sprinkle the inside of the gloves with talcum powder. By shaking the product after this manipulation, you can forget about the problem of dirty hands.
  • It is recommended to store leather accessories in cardboard boxes or textile bags. You must first stuff the product with paper or insert cardboard mock-ups of hands.

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