How to easily and easily remove silicone grease from clothes

First, it’s worth understanding what silicone grease is or, in simple terms, a sealant. Grease is a matte white mass that is used both in everyday life and on an industrial scale, in aircraft and mechanical engineering. This material easily tolerates temperature changes from -40 to +250 degrees. It is also used for interior items, applied to leather furniture for its preservation. Also, silicone grease is used during construction work. It is at this moment that there is a big threat of getting into trouble, so to speak.

As you can see, lubricant is used almost everywhere. But have you ever had the need to remove silicone grease from clothes? If this is not done on time, or incorrectly, then you can say goodbye to your favorite thing forever. Below are some simple tips to help you deal with this problem.

Method number 2: Acetic acid

In order to wash off the grease, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. You need to wear rubber gloves, a respirator mask and goggles. To avoid accidentally burning themselves with acetic acid and inhaling its vapors, they can simply burn the mucous membrane.
  2. Carefully take a solution of 70% acetic acid and apply liberally to the grease stain that needs to be washed.
  3. Leave everything for thirty minutes, then remove the silicone with a cloth.

This method works if the lubricant is acid based.

Removing stains from clothes

Dry cleaning specialists will help remove silicone stains from a down jacket, jacket, jacket. But such a solution is not always acceptable. In some cases, it is not possible to spend 2-3 days waiting for the item to be returned after cleaning, and you don’t want to spend money.

At home, several methods are used to remove silicone stains from clothes. Each of them has positive and negative sides, so let’s look at them in more detail.

  • The mechanical method involves removing pieces of silicone using a sharp knife. The fabric is stretched in one layer, and then, carefully picking up the silicone film, remove it piece by piece. You must act very carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

The mechanical method will only help against fresh stains that have not had time to dry.

  • The chemical method is based on the destruction of the dried film using a solvent. The store sells many products that can cope with silicone-based mixtures (for example, Penta 840, Antisil). The product is sprayed onto the stain, the film is allowed to dissolve, and then the remaining dirt is washed off.

Before cleaning clothes with a chemical for the first time, test the strength of the dye by spraying the solvent on the clothes in an inconspicuous place. If the product does not damage the paint, it can be used.

  • For old stains, the folk method is recommended. The dried film is steamed with an iron through wet gauze. After this, the softened silicone is much easier to wash off.

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Method No. 7: Solvents of all types

Using solvents is quite easy to remove silicone from clothes. This option will work if the lubricant is based on oximes.

  1. You can use acetone, gasoline or another type of solvent.
  2. Dampen a soft cloth or sponge with solvent.
  3. Wipe the grease stain and leave for thirty minutes.
  4. After half an hour, repeat everything again.
  5. Wash clothes in a bowl of hot water and then in the washing machine.

Determining the type of lubricant

In its chemical nature, silicone is close to rubber. In order to create a lubricant (as well as a sealant, glue or other silicone mixture), the silicone must be dissolved in a suitable liquid.

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There are two types of solvent most commonly used:

  • Acid. It is easy to distinguish products on this basis: they emit a characteristic smell of vinegar.
  • Neutral. As a rule, such solvents do not have a specific color or odor.

The cleaning method depends on the type of solvent. Therefore, in order to remove the stain as quickly and completely as possible, before starting work you should read the composition of the product on the packaging.

How to remove silicone grease?

The high level of tightness provided by the use of the lubricant has made its use popular in repair and construction work. However, if you use it carelessly, stains appear on clothes that are very difficult to wash off.

To solve this problem you will need:

  • goggles, respirator, rubber gloves;
  • vinegar, acetone, solvent, gasoline, alcohol-based liquids;
  • white spirit, special remover PENTA-840 or “ANTISIL”;
  • clean brush, microfiber or soft cloth.

What is silicone?

This substance belongs to rubber mixtures. Silicone has adhesive and adhesive characteristics. The main property of silicone grease is that it can penetrate even microscopic cracks and gaps. That’s why it’s so difficult to wash, because the substance quickly penetrates between the fibers of the fabric.

The advantages of the product include:

  • The substance instantly hardens, which, meanwhile, complicates the washing process.
  • The substance is heat-resistant, which also makes cleaning difficult.
  • The substance is moisture-resistant, which does not allow you to simply wash the products in powder.
  • Silicone is very elastic.

For all their positive qualities, they make sealants very difficult to wash off.

There are only two varieties of this tool:

  • A substance that contains acids. Their distinctive feature is the characteristic smell of vinegar.
  • Products that are neutral in their chemical composition.

Removing hardened sealant from things

Hermetic grease hardens quite quickly, so you should start removing it as soon as possible to preserve the quality of the item. If you hesitate, the substance can be absorbed into the fabric fibers and removed only with the dye, which gives color to the clothes.

The easiest way to remove sealant from clothing requires exposure to low temperatures. To use it, you need to put the soiled item in the freezer compartment for several hours. After hardening, the grease can simply be removed from the surface manually using a thin flat scraper or equivalent.

If the silicone compound has hardened on the fabric, it will not be so easy to wash it. In this case, home components that are present in every home will help. By following the cleaning rules, you can deal with drops of silicone without using household chemicals.

Before removing the sealant from clothing, you need to take 1 part of 9% table vinegar and dilute it with 8 parts of clean water. Carefully apply the solution to the contaminated area of ​​the fabric. After 20–30 minutes, the silicone composition will soften, become viscous and pliable, so it will be easy to pick it up with something sharp and remove it from the material.

If the silicone is not removed the first time, the procedure can be repeated. After removing the sealant, you need to wash the item of clothing - this will remove the greasy marks and the unpleasant smell of vinegar.

To carry out the procedure, you only need medical alcohol. The substance is applied to the silicone, after which a time interval of 40–60 minutes is maintained. The soft sealant can be easily removed with a brush. Clothes cleaned of silicone must be washed in a machine or by hand.

The liquid acts in the same way as rubbing alcohol, but is less aggressive. If the contaminated fabric is thin enough or made of delicate material, you should first use vodka. You need to apply it to the stain and wait about half an hour, then clean the silicone with a brush, then wash the item of clothing by hand or in an automatic washing machine.


Acetone is used in the same way as alcohol and vodka, but in this case it is better not to pour the composition onto the stain, but to apply a cloth or cotton pad soaked in it to the silicone mark and cover it with several sheets of writing paper or newsprint. It is necessary to iron the paper layer with a hot iron, due to which the sealant will soften and can be easily removed with a sharp object or brush. Cleaned clothing must be washed immediately.

Polyurethane foam

Sealant stains that could not be softened with alcohol, vodka, vinegar or acetone can be tried to be removed using polyurethane foam, which will not be very difficult to wipe off silicone from clothes. You should carefully distribute a little of the composition over the contaminated fabric and after a while remove the resulting film. The silicone should come away from the material without any difficulty. After the procedure, you need to wash the item.

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Cleaning methods

When deciding how to remove silicone grease from things, the following methods will help:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. This method will give a positive result if you clean a fresh stain. It is necessary to tighten the fabric in the area of ​​contamination. Carefully pry off the resulting thin film of silicone with a pointed object. It will be removed without difficulty.
  2. Use of household chemicals. A large assortment of special removers is available in stores (Antisil, Penta 840). You need to wipe off stains following the attached instructions for use and taking precautions. Before first use, it is recommended to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

If there is no opportunity or desire to wash clothes from this type of contamination yourself, then dry cleaning specialists can do this.

How can I clean silicone sealant from laminate flooring?

Silicone is a product that has found wide application in the household. It can be used to seal gaps between tiles and be used for installing tiles. We will tell you how to remove silicone sealant, but remember that the faster you carry out the work, the easier it will be to get rid of contaminants. Silicone grease is a rubber mixture that hardens quickly at room temperature, bonding surfaces securely.

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Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning is designed to combat fresh dirt, which is recommended to be carried out following the following sequence of actions:

  1. Stretch the stained fabric. As a result of stretching, the substance will spread out and turn into a thin film.
  2. Scrape off the silicone with any sharp object (knife, scraper). It should be taken into account that the thicker the film, the easier it comes away from the fabric.
  3. Wash soiled clothes with detergent. To remove the greasy trace left by silicone from a down jacket or jacket, it is not necessary to completely wash the item. It is enough to simply treat this area with any degreasing agent.

Freezing will help cope with this problem. When exposed to low temperatures, silicone sealant freezes and is easily removed. This method includes the following steps:

  1. Place soiled clothing in the freezer. It is recommended to first wrap the item in a plastic bag or sack. In this case, the stain must be on top, otherwise the clean areas of the product will become dirty.
  2. When the silicone is completely frozen, remove the clothing from the freezer. This usually takes no more than 3 hours.
  3. Scrape off the frozen substance with a knife or scraper.
  4. Wash the item with detergent in a manner suitable for the fabric from which it is made.

To clean clothes from dried sealant, you can resort to special products (“Penta 840”, “Antisil”). They are sold at any household chemical store. When purchasing, you need to make sure that the product is designed to remove silicone. The remover must be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, otherwise the item may be damaged.

Before using the product, it is recommended to test it on the least visible area of ​​soiled clothing. If 20–30 minutes after applying the remover the color and structure of the fabric have not changed, you can use it without any fear.

70% acetic acidTreat the stained area with a cotton pad generously moistened with vinegar. After 30 minutes, remove the softened substance with a dry cloth. Wash the soiled item. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. When using this method, you need to be prepared for the fact that after contact with vinegar essence, the fabric may lose its color brightness. It is recommended to perform the procedure in a well-ventilated area wearing rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator. To completely remove the smell of the cleaning product, you need to wash the soiled item several times, using conditioner when rinsing.
Alcohol or vodkaMoisten the stained area generously with alcohol-containing liquid. After half an hour, treat the wetted area with a brush. The substance, like mercury, will begin to roll and turn into balls. At the end of the procedure, wash the item with powder.
98 percent hydrogen peroxideMoisten the stained area generously with peroxide. After it stops foaming, remove the grease under running warm water. Wash the product.

Solvents can deal with silicone sealant that has become ingrained into fabric fibers. White spirit, gasoline, and acetone are suitable for this purpose. When using a flammable liquid, you need to remember that regular gasoline is not suitable for removing contaminants from clothes. In this case, you need to use only purified ones.

To effectively remove a silicone stain from an item without ruining it, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Cover the stained area with a cloth soaked in solvent.
  2. Place 3-4 sheets of paper on top. It is not recommended to use newspapers, because when heated, printing ink can be imprinted on the fabric, and you will have to make a lot of effort to remove it.
  3. Iron the paper. Its sole must be heated to the temperature permitted for ironing the fabric from which soiled clothing is made.
  4. Remove the paper. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure, replacing the paper and rag with clean ones.
  5. Wash the soiled item with powder.

How to remove silicone grease from clothes

It is better to dry clean clothes made from delicate fabrics. It may not withstand chemical or mechanical influences. But with the rest it’s easier.

If clothing made from thick fabrics gets dirty, put it in the freezer for an hour or two. If the item is large, you can use ice cubes in a bag, or hang it on the balcony in winter. The structure of the lubricant will become fragile, after which it can be carefully pryed off with a knife or needle.

Tip: This method is suitable for removing fresh stains. If the stain is old, a vinegar solution will help, in which you will need to soak the clothes, then rub the dirty area with a cloth. On colored fabric it is necessary to use a local method. Wipe the mark with vodka or alcohol, wait 15 minutes and remove the residue with a medium-bristled brush.

Other options:

  1. Place a thick cloth under the stained fabric. Use a bottle of brake cleaner. Spray it on the contaminated area. Wait 20-30 minutes. Send things to the wash.
  2. Any solvent will do: purified gasoline, acetone or nail polish remover. Wear gloves to avoid chemical burns, as well as a respirator and goggles. Soak a soft sponge in solvent. Gently wipe the silicone mark with it and leave for half an hour. After the specified time, repeat the procedure. Rinse clothes in hot water, then put them in the washing machine. When washing, use high-quality washing powder.
  3. Baby soap will help soften the stain if you lather thoroughly. Wait about half an hour, then hand wash the clothes in warm water. Then perform the manipulation with soap again.
  4. If there is an old stain on your clothing, apply damp gauze to it and steam the top with an iron. The structure will soften, after which the rubber will remove the silicone grease.

Since solvents are caustic substances, washing after such treatment must be carried out especially carefully. It is advisable to do this several times to completely remove the smell of gasoline or acetone.

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