How to clean a velor sofa at home

Beautiful, elegant and comfortable velor is widely used for sewing festive and home clothes, bedspreads, curtains and decorative items, for covers and furniture upholstery.
The widespread spread is not stopped even by difficulties in care and washing. The problem lies in the villi, which determine the chic appearance. In the process of wearing, they are crushed, twisted, and change direction. Therefore, they need to be periodically restored to their original condition. In order not to spoil velor items, you need to know how to handle them.

Preparing for washing

  • Preparatory work begins with studying the icons on the product label, which indicate how to wash velor items.
  • Now you need to brush the clothes with a brush to remove dust and hairs.
  • Before the main wash, stains must be removed and heavy soiling must be washed off using a brush.
  • Color detergents are suitable for children's linen or delicate items in the form of a gel.
  • Sort light and colored items to avoid over-dying.
  • Velor items do not need to be soaked. You can go straight to washing.
  • Can velor be washed in a washing machine? Yes, both manually and by machine in a gentle manner.
  • To do this, use water heated no higher than +30°.

Cleaning products

To remove dirt from a velor sofa, both folk remedies and store-bought ones are used.

Often used:

  • soap solution;
  • vinegar solution;
  • aqueous solution of aspirin;
  • heating with an iron;
  • special products for cleaning velor.

Each of these products is suitable for removing a specific type of contaminant.

Folk remedies

Products used to remove stains from fabric:

  1. Contamination from tea, coffee, or any other coloring drink or liquid can be easily washed with soap and water. A weak solution of vinegar and water also helps get rid of such stains.
  2. Stains from fruit juices can be removed with an aqueous solution of ammonia and vinegar.
  3. The blood is washed off with cold water and a small amount of liquid or laundry soap.
  4. Grease or wax stains are removed by heating: a cotton cloth is applied to the area of ​​contamination and ironed with a hot iron.

Chewing gum is frozen with a small piece of ice, after which it falls off on its own.

Specialized means

The most famous cleaning product for fleecy surfaces is Vanish. The substance is sold in the form of a foam solution, which is applied to the stain or to the entire fabric.

Once the cleaning agent has dried, remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

Furniture is cleaned quickly and efficiently . Store-bought solutions are easy to work with, they act quickly, they smell nice, but their price does not always suit the consumer.


Prepare a bowl of warm water and dilute the detergent in it. For large items, fill the bathtub. Immerse the velor robe. Once completely wet, knead it with gentle movements. Turn and repeat on the other side. Rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times. To avoid soapy streaks, complete the operation under running water. Do not twist or squeeze. Press down lightly and leave to drip. Blot excess moisture with towels.

Velor sofa and pets

When purchasing a sofa with a fleecy covering, you need to understand that only careful care guarantees its beautiful and fresh appearance. Dogs and cats are not the best allies of such furniture. To save the fabric from the claws, teeth and fur of our pets, it is better to cover the sofa with a thick cover.

And if your pets choose it for sleeping, then you can put an anti-vandal cape on it. This is practical, but the question arises - why buy a sofa with magnificent velor upholstery if in the end everything is closed and nothing is visible?

Machine washable

For velor items, washing in a machine is acceptable if there is appropriate permission from the manufacturer. The action algorithm is as follows:

  • To protect the fleecy surface from damage, turn the clothing inside out. Fasten the zippers and buttons.
  • Turn on the machine on delicate or manual mode and check the temperature. It should be no more than 30°.
  • Set spin to minimum.


It is allowed to wash other fabrics that require delicate care together with velor products.

  • Fill the drum 2/3 full with dirty items.
  • Pour the detergent into the container compartment or directly into the drum.
  • If the machine’s capabilities allow, add the “Easy Ironing” function.

What is velor

Velor fabric is a fleecy, soft, strong, durable fabric.
From French “velours” is translated as “velvet”, and from Latin – as “hairy”. Velor is made from wool yarn, the pile of which is slightly longer than that of velvet fabric. The pattern on velor fabric is different; on this basis, velor is divided into several types: smooth, embossed, shaped.


The material wrinkles slightly, and you will rarely have to iron the velor. If necessary, do this with a warm iron from the wrong side. The base should be soft and the pressure light. It is recommended to place a towel or folded sheet underneath. If there is contact with the heated sole of the device on the outer surface, the pile will become strongly compressed and lose its attractiveness. The direction of movement of the iron should be along the fibers.

It is preferable to use steam ironing or a steam generator for velor. This impact will straighten the dents and raise the pile. The edge of the product should be slightly pulled during the procedure. On large items such as curtains, steam treatment is carried out after hanging on the curtain rod.


It is more convenient to tidy up a dress or tracksuit with a steam brush, and hang the clothes on hangers for this purpose.

Removing stains

Folk remedies are used depending on the type of stains. They are cheaper than store-bought ones and are always on hand.

Cleaning from dirt

A dirty stain on velor upholstery can be easily removed with soapy water. To do this, dissolve liquid, laundry or toilet soap in warm water.

A clean microfiber cloth or sponge is soaked in the solution, wrung out, and wiped over the stain. Once the dirt has been removed, the surface of the sofa is dried naturally or using a hairdryer.

Removing dust

Dust deposits are removed from velor fabric using a vacuum cleaner and a special nozzle for cleaning furniture. It is advisable to do this daily: this way the dirt will not eat into the upholstery, and stains will be easier to remove.

You can get rid of dust in another popular way:

  • Wet a large sheet and wring it out.
  • Cover the entire surface of the sofa with a damp cloth.
  • Beat off dust with a carpet beater.

Dust rises not only from the upholstery, but also from the inner layers of the furniture and settles on the wet sheet.

Velor care and cleaning

The material is dense and requires attention in addition to washing.

  • The pile that has been crushed after washing and drying must be combed with a soft brush, without pressing on the material.
  • Steam is used to restore the pile and combat the shiny areas that give velor clothes a worn, careless look. This technique is considered effective. Fill the bathtub with hot water and steam. Place clothes in the room, hanging them on hangers. Close the door and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Small areas with crumpled lint are moistened with alcohol and then held over steam from a kettle or steamer. The affected area is treated with a jet for 2-3 minutes and moves on to the next one.
  • The procedure will be completed by light combing with a brush. Velor will regain its former fluffiness and become soft.
  • There are special sprays to restore the color of clothes that have faded or faded. It needs to be sprayed onto a surface cleaned of dust and debris. hang to dry.

The following recommendations will tell you how and what to clean velor:

  • A vacuum cleaner turned on at medium power will save you from animal hair.
  • Dust and small specks are removed with adhesive tape, which is sequentially glued to the fabric and then sharply removed.
  • Walk over the surface with a damp sponge or palm. Rinse when dirty. There is no need to moisten the fabric itself, otherwise it will become saturated with moisture.

How to deal with stains

To get rid of the stain without having to wash the entire item, you should try this method. Dilute a weak soap solution from laundry soap or for washing children's clothes. Using a sponge, treat the stain and remove any remaining soap with clean water. For express drying, you can use a hair dryer, just keep it at a safe distance.

Stains on velor clothes are removed with a weak solution of table vinegar or medical alcohol. Use a moistened swab to treat the stain using careful, blotting movements. The procedure is continued until the print disappears. All that remains is to dry the fabric.

When ironing, sometimes troubles occur in the form of scorch marks or iron marks. The mood immediately deteriorates, as does the appearance of the item. However, if the stain is light yellow, then you can try to revive the tissue. But nothing can be done about dark marks. Unless you stick on an applique or rhinestones.

First, the affected area needs to be steamed and then brushed over it. If this does not help, then generously grease with grated onion gruel. Leave for a couple of hours and rinse with water. Sprinkle weak prints with salt and lemon juice.

Following the rules of caring for velor will help preserve the attractive properties of the fabric for longer and extend the life of your favorite item.

Cleaning algorithm

At home, the process of cleaning a velor sofa will not take much time and effort if everything is done correctly.

Stains are removed according to the following principle:

  • preliminary cleaning of the sofa upholstery using a vacuum cleaner or a special brush;
  • soaking stubborn stains in a soap solution (the product should not drain from the rag);
  • removing dirt with a rag or sponge (you can’t force or rub the fabric, you need to act delicately);
  • drying the upholstery naturally or with a hairdryer;
  • steaming fabric with an iron to restore its original appearance.

In accordance with this algorithm, all superficial or stubborn stains are removed. Depending on the type of contamination, various means are used.

Cleaning a sofa with different coverings. Types of materials and features of its processing

Fabric upholstery of furniture can be made of different coatings, with their own characteristics and contraindications for care:

Cleaning such a surface does not cause many problems. The main rule when cleaning dermantine coating is not to over-wet it. Remove stains with egg white, after beating it until it forms a thick foam. Apply it to the dirt and leave it for 5-7 minutes, and then wipe it off.

We soak a microfiber cloth with a vinegar solution (1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water) and clean the dirt with light movements in the direction of the pile. To remove complex stains, we turn to dry cleaning.

  • suede and nubuck

To clean such a coating, use a brush with soft bristles. Remove grease stains with an eraser or alcohol solution. We recommend regular treatment with impregnations that repel dirt.

A very capricious and demanding coating that can only withstand dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning products negatively affect the quality of upholstery and its color. Wet processing is possible only with foam; we try to minimize the volume of moisture.

We clean with three drops of any detergent that foams, diluted in 1 tbsp. water. We remove dirt with this solution.

  • velvet and silk

We clean this coating with special cleaning agents.

How to eliminate various contaminants

You don’t have to look for the best cleaning product for velor - you can get rid of defects using improvised materials:

    Sprinkle greasy stains with starch, salt or soda. When the fat is absorbed, remove the powder with a vacuum cleaner, and remove any remaining dirt with a sponge soaked in soapy water. Gently scrape off the chocolate with a plastic object and pour a drop of dishwashing liquid onto the stain. Run a wet cloth over the fabric several times, removing foam along with dirt.
    Immediately blot spilled coffee or tea with a towel, and then apply a little soap suds to the stain. After 15 minutes, rinse the problem area with a clean sponge and dry with a soft cloth. A fresh wine stain can be cleaned well with salt, which absorbs the coloring liquid. Wipe off the salt that has swollen from moisture, and wipe the velor with a dry cloth. Ink marks will disappear if you rub the stained area with an eraser. Acetone- and oil-free nail polish remover can handle heavy stains. Soak a piece of gauze in this solvent and gently scrub the sofa.
    Blood becomes discolored when exposed to aspirin. Dissolve acetylsalicylic acid tablet in one glass of water, moisten a cotton napkin and wipe the pile until the desired result. You can get rid of old stains of unknown origin using vinegar. Dilute acetic acid in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water, moisten the contaminated area with this solution, and after 20 minutes, rinse and dry.

If the sofa is so dirty that you can’t handle it on your own, there is another option - take it to the dry cleaner.

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