Should bed linen be ironed after washing: opinions and facts

Just 50 years ago, our mothers and grandmothers didn’t even think about whether they needed to iron their bed linen. They not only carefully ironed it, but before that they selflessly boiled and starched it. Without a super-convenient automatic machine, for a minute, manually! The washing process, in the end, took the whole day, and all household members were involved in it - mom did the washing, dad did the spinning, the children hung it up. Then the female half began to stroke. The question of the appropriateness of this event, we repeat, was not even raised. Of course, if the hostess was correct, diligent and hardworking.

Today we have washing machines that can iron. Also, modern women have become business-minded and... a little lazy. To be more precise, they learned to spend time more rationally, significantly reducing their waste on the household.

Many people wonder whether they need to iron bed linen after washing and carefully weigh the pros and cons. If we analyze, the bed is ironed for the following reasons:

  • For comfort;
  • For the purpose of additional disinfection;
  • Because of belief in folk omens.

Let us emphasize right away that in this article you will not find a clear answer to the question of whether you need to iron your bed linen after washing. It simply doesn't exist. However, we will carefully analyze all the pros and cons and, hopefully, you will be able to make your decision.

Arguments FOR ironing

So, why do you need to iron your bed linen? Let’s list the advantages of this event:

  • Smooth sheets look much nicer and neater;
  • Ironed bed linen emphasizes the diligence of the housewife;
  • Long and monotonous ironing calms the nerves. Some women call this activity personal anti-stress therapy;
  • In winter, the room becomes warmer when the iron is used for a long time;
  • Bed linen smells pleasant after ironing;
  • Ironing disinfects the sheets;
  • Ironed linen evokes a pleasant tactile sensation;
  • There is a popular belief that demons hide in folds. If a person constantly sleeps on an unironed bed, he will have no luck either in business or on the heart front, so the sheets need to be ironed;
  • After ironing, bed linen folds straighter and more compact in the closet, which is important if you need to save space;
  • There is another sign from the “grandmother said” category. It turns out that folds and creases in the sheets create problems in the relationship between a man and a woman. That's where the dog is buried! This is why so many women in Russia will never get married!
  • Also, you need to iron your bed linen, because it will be easier to make it later.

What do folk omens say?

Popular beliefs are a special topic. They appear as a result of a series of random coincidences, spread at the speed of viral advertising and mean nothing at all due to the nature of their origin. Nevertheless, many people, firmly believing in the inevitability of “patterns” or adjusted for “what if this is true,” try to adhere to various signs. Regarding bedding, popular wisdom says that you should not sleep on unironed linen. It turns out that dark forces are hidden in the folds of crumpled fabric, which literally derail a person’s fate, putting him on the path of deprivation, troubles and other troubles.

  • They create barriers between a man and a woman who sleep on wrinkled linen.
  • They interfere with business, career and business. If you spend the night on rumpled sheets, you won't have any luck the entire next day.
  • They interfere with children's learning, making them distracted and lazy.

According to omens, dark forces live in unironed linen.

There are many different signs about bed linen. For example, if you lay it inside out, you will be beaten. But to avoid an evil fate, you just need to take off your underwear and, throwing it on the floor, trample on it thoroughly. After which you can put it back on the bed and trust that everything will work out. How pleasant it will be to go to bed after this, the folk sign is silent.

Video: folk signs about bedding

Whether you believe in omens or not is up to you. But you shouldn’t turn superstitions into a set of mandatory life rules.

Arguments AGAINST ironing

Now consider the opposite opinion and find out why most women do not iron their bed linen:

  • They don't want to get married. Joke. They just don’t believe in folk omens;
  • They simply save energy, because the iron is one of the household appliances with high energy consumption;
  • They also save time, because ironing bed linen for one family requires spending at least an hour. But during this time you can do homework with your child, cook lunch and also walk the dog;
  • We are convinced that this is a waste of energy, because within 5 minutes after laying down, the bed will become wrinkled again;
  • If you dry and fold it correctly, and use fabric softener, it doesn’t need to be ironed at all afterwards;
  • Regular heat treatment destroys color saturation and bed linen becomes dull;
  • Ironing reduces the lifespan of sheets because heat gradually destroys the fibers;
  • The hygroscopicity of the fabric decreases, because the iron, as it were, seals its “pores”.

Of course, the last two arguments are very conditional. Even if you iron it constantly, the bed will still serve you for many years. Well, you won’t wake up sweating. However, there is still logic in these arguments, so they must be taken into account.

Do they iron bed linen in other countries?

It is surprising that in some countries, refusing to iron has become a trend. For example, some residents of European and American countries have completely abandoned the use of an iron, because they realized that ironing does not absorb moisture well, i.e., hygroscopicity decreases.

Remember your mother's words from childhood? Washed laundry - iron it right away! But both mothers and we ourselves, once again, turning on the iron, dreamed of the impossible - to stop ironing! And now it has become known that scientists do not advise doing this at all!

But giving up an established habit turned out to be not so easy. More than once you can hear women asking, is it possible not to iron bedding? Let's try to answer the most common questions.

The statement in our headline that European women have stopped ironing their bed linen is not an exaggeration, but the real state of affairs.

IMPORTANT! Many European countries have long stopped ironing bedding.

  • The best hotels in France use only unironed linen, taking care of the health of visitors.
  • The Germans do not use irons, saying that it will become wrinkled anyway.
  • In Britain they also abandoned this tradition.

And not only in Europe! Housewives in Canada, Israel and many other countries have indeed begun to forget about the iron after washing their clothes.

Ironing was considered a natural and absolutely necessary procedure. Arguments for using an iron:

  • laundry is disinfected;
  • the fabric is leveled;
  • becomes tactilely more pleasant;
  • the material becomes more durable;
  • laundry capacity increases;
  • The smoother it is, the easier it is to cover.

It was also believed that heat treatment helps fight microorganisms that hide around us. They are small in size, but very harmful, especially for people suffering from allergies. They die under the influence of high temperature. This is the main reason why bedding was processed.

IMPORTANT! Scientists objectively assess changes in real living conditions.

And they found 4 serious reasons to free women from this type of housework.

First reason

It cannot be said that lice, ticks, and bedbugs live in every home today. If suddenly you have them, of course, turn on the iron! In all other cases, leave the fight against microorganisms to modern detergents and ventilate your bed more often!

The second reason

The technology for making fabrics has changed. And when ironing, the fiber structure may be destroyed. And fabric that has been ironed becomes more durable. In this state, it prevents air from passing through it. And this negatively affects how people feel.

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Third reason

Some modern linen fabrics do not require ironing.

  • Silk. This is a pleasantly fitting fabric of natural origin. It absorbs water and evaporation well, which is released by the human body while he sleeps. Natural silk fabric hardly wrinkles and is easy to care for.
  • Calico. Bedding made from this fabric lasts a very long time, at least ten years. Having great density and elasticity, calico does not need to be ironed. It is enough to dry the duvet cover and sheet to prevent kinks and wrinkles.
  • Satin jacquard. This material looks and feels similar to silk fabric. Therefore, it may well replace silk underwear. Since the fabric has a very complex weave of threads, the material is very durable, resistant to wear and does not require ironing.

Fourth reason

Household appliances that help housewives have changed. Nowadays, a huge number of washing machines have appeared, which manufacturers began to equip with the “easy ironing” function. This makes it possible to save your own time by refusing to iron your clothes by hand.

There is no contradiction! Children's clothes still need to be treated at high temperatures! But this can be done not only with the help of an iron.

Children are born without fully functioning temperature regulation. If we assume that after ironing the fabric really loses its quality, then it would be better to play it safe and minimize all risks.

IMPORTANT! Children's bedding also does not need to be ironed, but it is recommended to use a steamer for processing.

It prevents the hot surface of the iron from coming into contact with the fabric and at the same time disinfects.

If you can't feel comfortable until you've ironed all your sheets and duvet covers, iron them!

But if you feel that you can’t fall asleep for a long time, that you can’t completely relax and unwind, pay attention to your bed. Perhaps there is a ban on ironing on the laundry label? In this case, either stop ironing or change the set.

And, of course, if you don’t have time to iron everything out, don’t feel remorse! European women don't iron, Canadian women don't iron, and you can too!

When is ironing necessary?

We have discussed the pros and cons of ironing, now let’s list the situations in which it is necessary to iron bed linen:

  1. If you have a baby at home. Newborns have very delicate and sensitive skin, as well as immature immunity. Therefore, their bed linen and personal belongings need to be ironed after each wash, on both sides.
  2. If one of the household members suffers from a contagious skin disease, you need to carefully iron all household textiles;
  3. In case of ARVI or infections, you need to disinfect clean bedding to prevent the spread of the disease to other family members;
  4. If parasites are found at home - ticks, bedbugs, lice, etc.;
  5. If you bought new bedding.

Read more about the last point. No matter how clean and tidy a brand new set may seem, it definitely needs to be washed and ironed.

  • Who knows how long it's been gathering dust on the counter?
  • Some manufacturers, in order to improve the presentation and prevent paint fading, treat the material with chemical compounds that can cause allergies;
  • The coloring pigments themselves may not be washed off well during the production process of the kit, so they need to be rinsed thoroughly;
  • Before the bed came to you, it may have been touched and felt by dozens of hands. Brrr;
  • The new matter itself is hard and even prickly. Wash it with conditioner and iron it - you will immediately feel the difference.

Why do you need to iron?

The answer to this question should be sought in two categories:

  1. Medical - in other words, ironing is good for health. Exposure to high temperatures will help get rid of harmful microorganisms (bed mite larvae, bacteria and microbes) remaining on the fabric even after washing. This is especially true for allergy sufferers and people with reduced immunity.
  2. Aesthetically , it is much more pleasant to lie down in a clean, fresh-smelling and ironed bed. It is not only softer and more pleasant to the touch, but also promotes healthy sleep. Even the most ardent opponents of ironing will not refuse to lie in such a bed.

How to iron bed linen without an iron

Do you want to know how to quickly iron your bed linen, minimizing most of the disadvantages from the corresponding section above?

Catch our lifehacks so that you don’t need to iron your clothes after washing!

  1. Do not place bedding in the drum in a crumpled form. Carefully roll it several times, fasten all the zippers and buttons and place it in the compartment;
  2. There is no need to turn on the highest spin speed;
  3. If the machine has a “drying” option, be sure to turn it on. She will gently and non-aggressively wring out the items and lightly steam them;
  4. Always use a conditioner-rinse, it perfectly smoothes out wrinkles;
  5. When hanging on the dryer, straighten the sheets so that they dry straight immediately;
  6. Buy bed linen that does not need to be ironed - from wrinkle-resistant material: calico, silk, satin, etc.;
  7. If you have a steamer, use it; it will significantly save ironing time.

Disadvantages of ironing

Having considered the advantages of ironing, we will find out the weak points of this method of bed care.

  • After ironing, the laundry slightly loses the pleasant smell remaining after washing with the addition of conditioner.
  • Using an iron takes a lot of time, labor and effort, and also consumes a large amount of electricity.
  • Ironed linen loses its hygroscopicity (the ability to be wetted), as a result, it absorbs moisture released by the human body during sleep worse.
  • Certain fabrics become electrified after ironing. This causes unpleasant sensations during rest.

Where to store bed linen for ironing

If you are from the category of women who are convinced that you need to iron your bed, then you are probably familiar with the problem of storing textiles. Sheets and duvet covers take up a lot of space, and you can’t put them in the closet unironed. It’s rare that anyone starts ironing immediately after unloading the dryer. This activity is most often combined with watching an evening TV series, checking oral homework, having a neighbor come over for a “chat,” etc.

Sometimes a bunch of things lie around for 2-3 days after washing, destroying the impeccable order of the apartment. So, where to store laundry for ironing?

Washed items should not be kept in the bathroom, as there is high humidity there. Therefore, we advise you to buy a nice wicker basket that will fit well into the bedroom interior. The textiles inside must breathe, so plastic containers with a lid are not suitable.

It's great if you have a separate room for ironing - a pantry or dressing room. In this case, you need to equip shelves for storing ironing items right there.

When can you not do without ironing your bed sheets?

It is necessary to iron sleeping sets and clothes belonging to children. This is especially important if children's clothes are washed in the washing machine together with adults.

Children's bedding and clothes for little ones must be ironed

A mixture of powder and water rarely disinfects washable items, so germs will end up on children's clothes. The result may be the appearance of allergies or diseases, including skin diseases. Ironing with a hot iron kills harmful bacteria with high temperature, so the risk of getting an infection is close to zero.

Ironing is necessary for those people who react to dust mites with an allergic reaction. Therefore, ironing is required.

Bed mites are killed only by the high temperature provided by ironing.

Be mindful of people visiting at home. Serving a rumpled bed, even if it is clean, is bad manners. A small number are willing to put up with chaotic folds.

Guest sets should also be ironed after washing - this way they will take up less space and look neater

Using an iron, it is necessary to process sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers without fail in the following situations:

  • if a person who has a skin disease lives in the residential premises;
  • attributes of sleeping linen are used for a newborn baby.

Discussions between pediatricians constantly take place on the topic of mandatory ironing of bedding for newborn children.

Some are sure that this is extremely important, others say that this is not necessary, since modern washing machines heat the water temperature during washing to 95 degrees.

You can turn to history - in not so distant times, housewives did without diapers, washing machines, and, as a rule, children grew up healthy and strong, and all because mothers always subjected such things and their children’s diapers to ironing.

Elevated temperature kills all harmful microorganisms and infections that can enter the baby’s body through the still incompletely healed wound on his umbilical cord.

That is why during the first weeks of a newborn baby’s life, mothers must iron their bedding and diapers.

It is worth noting that you should ask your pediatrician about the need or unnecessaryness of ironing diapers.

If you or your relatives are susceptible to skin diseases such as dermatitis, fungus or lichen, then towels and bedding should certainly be treated with high temperatures from an iron.

This is due to the fact that with such diseases, the washing temperature is not enough to kill pathogens.

The patient must absolutely have his own towel and bedding, which, of course, must be steamed.

Sometimes you can't do without an iron. Ironed sheets should always be in the cribs of small children. It is necessary to iron the bedding of sick people, as well as those who suffer from allergies to linen mites.

If there is a child in the house

Children's pajamas, pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers should be ironed after each wash. Microorganisms accumulate on the fabric, some of which do not die in the washing machine. Microbes can cause various diseases in a sensitive child's body, and mite larvae often lead to allergic reactions.

It is imperative to iron clothes for people suffering from skin diseases. Regular treatment will promote a speedy recovery and will also prevent the spread of infection to other people living in the same house as the patient.

If you have allergies, ironing should be done regularly. It is also necessary to change bedding promptly.

Sheets made from many materials wrinkle easily and lose their neat appearance without ironing. But modern manufacturers often use fabrics that do not require ironing. This:

  • Calico is a natural, safe and inexpensive material that almost does not form wrinkles;
  • Satin is a durable and beautiful cotton fabric that does not need to be ironed;
  • Chintz is another inexpensive material that does not require the use of an iron to care for.

The most popular way to make bed linen smooth is to carefully hang the sheets after washing. But there are other methods. If you wash a lot of sheets at once, you can roll them up and leave them like that to dry. This method solves the problem of lack of space for drying clothes. It is also convenient to store sleeping accessories in a roll - they do not wrinkle, wrinkles do not form on them, which means you can do without an iron.

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How to iron quickly? Tips and secrets

In conclusion, we’ll tell you what life hacks are used by housewives who regularly iron all home textiles.

  1. They don’t ask if it’s possible to iron bed linen with a steamer, they just take it and do it. First study the label with recommendations for fabric care, of course. Do the same when ironing. In general, examining the label with the washing and ironing rules is the first thing you should do after purchasing a set.
  2. The colored bed should be ironed from the inside out; apply gauze to the appliqué and embroidery;
  3. There is no need to iron it on the bias, as this will deform the material. Direct the iron along straight or cross threads (horizontal and vertical);
  4. Start ironing textiles while they are slightly damp. This will make the folds straighten out more easily. Or spray the canvas with a spray bottle.
  5. Next, we’ll tell you how to properly iron bed linen on an ironing board to speed up the process.
  • Fold sheets and duvet covers 2-3 times. The iron will perfectly iron 3 layers of fabric, and you will save time;
  • Try ironing not on an ironing board, but, for example, on a sofa, on a sheet. This way you will iron two things at the same time, and iron a larger area at a time;

Why you shouldn't iron bed linen after washing

Ironed bedding looks more aesthetically pleasing.
Ironed bed is an aesthetic pleasure. Dents and folds in the sheets look sloppy. But a picky person will accept it. However, the essence lies not only in the appearance of the sleeping product. Ironing, especially in the “steaming” mode, makes the fabric softer. If air conditioner was used during washing, the hot temperature will “complete” its work, making things softer and more fragrant.

By ironing sheets and duvet covers, you increase the resistance of the fabric to wear and make the linen softer

Most people don't like ironing, but they do enjoy a well-designed bed. Of course, if a person has trouble ironing a couple of shirts for a week, he won’t want to waste extra effort on sheets. Usually no strangers see the underwear, so there is no need to be afraid of judgement. However, to ease your conscience, it is better to find out why you should not iron bed linen after washing.

Creases are not only disappointing, but they also give an unpleasant and dirty appearance to both the bed and the room. Ironing bed linen, especially for a large family, is a difficult and time-consuming process. Once upon a time, clothes were washed, boiled, starched and only then ironed. The pace of life accelerated, sophisticated washing machines with dozens of functions began to appear, and starch was declared completely harmful.

Arguments for:

  1. The fabric becomes softer.
  2. They prefer to give their dear guests ironed linen rather than wrinkled linen.
  3. The appearance is greatly improved.
  4. Ironing prevents the fibers from splitting, which increases wear resistance.
  5. Ironing can get rid of some bacteria and mite larvae.

Arguments against:

  1. Saving. And not only electricity, but also time.
  2. Chemistry. Modern products like conditioners allow you to get perfectly smooth laundry after normal drying.
  3. Static electricity. The problem is almost invisible, but no one will be happy to receive an unexpected injection before going to bed.
  4. The ability to absorb moisture is impaired. This is especially noticeable in the summer and can lead to problems with sleep.
  5. Easy ironing. If the washing machine is equipped with this mode, then regular ironing is simply not necessary.

When to iron clothes:

  1. The underwear of a person with severe skin or infectious diseases must be washed separately, in hot water, and must also be ironed.
  2. Small children have very delicate skin; the underwear should not have wrinkles.

Some fabrics do not require ironing:

  1. Satin jacquard. Almost does not wrinkle, does not require care. The complex weave of threads guarantees excellent wear resistance.
  2. Calico. This is a dense, durable and elastic fabric.
  3. Silk. Natural silk is pleasant to the touch in any condition. Silk not only looks beautiful, but also always remains smooth.

There simply cannot be a definite answer; each person must weigh the pros and cons for himself. Some people will prefer to upgrade their appliances, buy more expensive air conditioning and silk sheets. Others will not be able to sleep even if there is one small wrinkle in their linen.

Still others like the process of ironing and putting things in order. Many simply will not understand what the problem is - they have never ironed anything and are not going to iron anything. And even more so, you shouldn’t suffer from remorse if, due to lack of time, the bed doesn’t look perfect.

Folk signs

It's hard to believe, but even in the 21st century, many people follow signs. Some people sincerely believe that in this way they protect themselves from troubles. Some people do it just in case, just in case. Most superstitions, indeed, appear out of nowhere.

Some signs were simply true observations that could help in ancient times - but now these superstitions are hopelessly outdated.

Regarding bedding, popular rumor says that you can only sleep on ironed linen, because dark forces can hide in the folds.

The following problems arise due to wrinkled laundry:

  1. Children become lazy and absent-minded and cannot study.
  2. Failures will follow you all day long.
  3. Business and career will go downhill.
  4. A married couple may start having disagreements.

In any case, you should not focus your attention on what almost certainly will not happen. To iron, not to iron - each case is unique.

Sleeping on freshly ironed linen is nice, but is it healthy? People argue about whether or not to iron bedding after washing. Let's try to carefully understand this issue by considering the pros and cons of each position.

Bed linen needs to be changed frequently. In a large family, bed linen is washed regularly. Afterwards, a lot of time is spent ironing this linen. But is this really necessary?

There are several main reasons that speak in favor of ironing clothes. The following factors should be taken into account:

These factors are difficult to dispute. But they make ironing mandatory only in the following cases:

  • if a child is sleeping on the bed, a small child should really be protected from bacteria, so children’s linen is always ironed;
  • if a person is sick, it is better for the patient to sleep on ironed linen, again due to the fact that a hot iron kills bacteria;
  • guests have come to you - since ironed linen looks more aesthetically pleasing, it is in this form that it is better to offer bed linen to guests.

Popular beliefs and superstitions also say that clothes should be ironed. There are two popular signs associated with this:

  • It is believed that evil spirits love wrinkled linen - that is, ironing linen will protect your home from evil spirits;
  • Another sign says that ironed linen promotes mental balance and success in business.

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However, there are also beliefs to the contrary, but they are confirmed by psychologists:

  • people who sleep on ironed sheets do not tolerate criticism well and are more quick-tempered;
  • In a married couple, sexual relations occur much less often if the spouses sleep on ironed linen.

    Psychologists say that ironed linen leads to fewer marital relationships

Why shouldn't you iron your clothes? There are several pretty good reasons for this:

  • Ironed linen loses its hygroscopicity - it begins to absorb moisture less well. Since any person sweats during sleep, bedding that does not absorb moisture threatens to disrupt the thermoregulation of the human body. In turn, this means that a person's sleep will not be healthy;
  • ironing clothes consumes electricity - since you have to iron them quite often, and bed linen is very bulky, by avoiding ironing you save electricity;

    A person sleeps better if the laundry has not been ironed

  • static electricity - when ironing, clothes become electrified, which makes a person’s sleep restless and not of such quality.

If your washing machine has an “easy iron” mode, then use it. Your bed sheets will be less wrinkled, and you can easily skip ironing.

Is it possible to put away wet laundry after ironing?

When you finish ironing, you need to leave the even piles for half an hour in a ventilated room. The bed linen should cool and dry. If moisture remains inside and you put it in a closet, after storage it will smell stale, or, worse, mold or mildew will form.

Whether you need to iron bedding sets is up to you to decide; we have listed all the pros and cons. We are for rational use of time and modern ironing methods: proper drying, conditioner and steamer. However, if you really enjoy the process of ironing - it calms you down, brings you closer to your family (or TV), does not take much time, or you have objective reasons - why not? It definitely won't get any worse!

Bed linen that does not need to be ironed

Some types of fabrics do not need to be ironed at all. These include:

  • mahra;
  • silk;
  • jacquard;
  • boiled cotton.

Modern fabrics are produced using new technologies, so many of them do not need ironing. And to achieve the ironing effect, you need to carefully hang the products and dry them in a ventilated area.

The owner decides whether or not to iron the clothes. If you don’t want to stand with an iron, you need to choose bedding sets made from wrinkle-resistant fabrics, or use alternative ironing methods.

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