We learn how to wear stockings correctly, the features of their combination with clothes

This article will discuss how to attach a belt to stockings. Let's consider belt options, types of stockings and fastening methods. Modern ladies have little experience wearing such underwear; they often confuse stockings with a regular welt and products with silicone elastic. The latter are not intended to be worn with a belt. But if you really want to try on a sexy look, and you mistakenly took a product that should stay on your leg on its own, then we will reveal a few secrets on how to attach a belt to stockings with silicone elastic. There are also cases when it is absolutely impossible to find this underwear on sale without elastic, but you really want to try on a piquant look.

A girl in stockings with a belt and beautiful underwear is an incredible sight for any man. Now this image has become more of a fetish for love games. But not so long ago, our grandmothers did not even think about asking such a question. Girls wore stockings with a belt from the age of three.

How to wear it correctly

Methods for putting on stockings vary depending on the model, but there are two universal recommendations:

  1. It is worth first removing all the decorations so as not to tear the nylon.
  2. They are put on from the toe part - you can gather the product in the palm of your hand into an accordion and then gradually straighten it, or you can turn it inside out and carefully pull it on.

The most practical are models with silicone inserts that hold the stockings on the legs. Usually their Velcro tape is decorated with patterns or lace. The correct size and clean, dry skin completely eliminate the question of how to wear stockings without a belt - they themselves stay securely on the leg.

Stockings with a belt do not have an elastic band; instead, there is a cuff along the top, narrow or wide. Sometimes these models go unnoticed because it is not entirely clear how to put them on. In fact, the algorithm for this process is very simple; you can master it in a few training sessions:

  1. Stockings are put on first; they need to be properly straightened.
  2. Next comes the belt - it is attached so that a pair of straps (garters) are in front, and a pair in the back. Some models may have six garters (American) or eight to ten (English).
  3. The length of the garters is checked - they should be slightly higher than the hosiery and be the same size.
  4. The stockings have special loops that must be pulled over the rubber belt button. To do this with the back straps, you can turn your back to a large mirror - it’s much more comfortable.
  5. Finally, you need to make sure that all the buttons fit tightly in their loops - otherwise the stockings may come undone.

If, when putting on stockings with a pattern, the pattern turns out to be uneven, it is better to take them off and try to put them on again.

Put on stockings

Fasten the belt

Check the length of the garters

Fasten the straps

Make sure all buttons fit snugly in loops

How to Wear a Suspender Belt

There are no uniform rules or restrictions. You can wear the belt on both your waist and hips. The classic way to wear it is at the waist, as it ensures that the belt does not fall down. The natural curves of the body will keep it from slipping.

If you like to wear your garter belt around your hips (like me), make sure it fits snugly.

Which comes first: panties or garter belt?

Having put on a garter belt after panties, you will no longer be able to remove them without first detaching the belt from the stockings. So it's up to you. Practical wisdom suggests that if the belt and panties do not overlap, then it is better to put on the panties last. If the belt and panties overlap each other, then, of course, the garter belt should be put on last.

See the examples, it’s clearer:

Panties on top

Willa garter belt from Agent Provocateur

Belt on top

Suspender belt La Robe Blanche from IDSarrieri

Panties on top

Nicolle Suspender Belt by Agent Provocateur

Correct height

Often choosing the right size can only be done through trial and error. This is due to the fact that the size chart may vary depending on the manufacturer, and you cannot try on hosiery in a store. However, companies make the choice easier by indicating on the packaging that the length of the stockings matches the body parameters - weight, height or hip circumference. The correct size is very important: small stockings will put pressure on your thighs, and if they are too big, they will start to slide down.

In addition to size, height is determined by etiquette rules, for example:

  1. The office dress code requires maximum restraint. The ideal length is the one at which no one will guess that the employee is wearing this wardrobe item. If the minimum acceptable length of a skirt is a palm above the knee, then the stockings should be 20-30 centimeters higher.
  2. On a romantic date, greater freedom is allowed - the length of the stockings should be such that you can guess about them. However, even if you choose a short dress, the outfit should not completely reveal the cuff - this will look vulgar.

Ideal length for the office, when no one will guess that the employee is wearing stockings

To avoid looking vulgar on a romantic date, the outfit should not completely reveal the cuff

How to shoot

Medical knitwear should not be worn around the clock; experts recommend removing such underwear at night. Since the vessels are in a compressed state under the underwear, a sudden release from the action of knitwear can lead to disruption of blood flow. As a result, excessive swelling in the legs may appear. Removal of this product should be done slowly while sitting or lying down. If you free your legs from clothing gradually, the muscles will relax and blood flow will remain normal. To maintain the integrity of the product when removing, it is recommended to wear medical gloves.

Nuances of combination with clothes

To figure out how to wear stockings correctly, just remember the following:

  1. The length of the skirt or hem of the dress should cover the elastic or cuffs by about 20-30 cm, so that these elements are not visible when walking.
  2. Options with lace cuffs are not worn under tight-fitting clothes made of silk fabrics, so that the texture does not show through.
  3. When choosing a color with a tan effect, you should not take stockings much darker than the skin - the contrast will be too bright.
  4. It is optimal if the color of the hosiery matches the tone of the shoes and is lighter than the rest of the clothing.
  5. Thick fabric of the outfit requires black, light - flesh. White stockings are best left for a wedding.
  6. It is worth giving up ballet flats, sneakers and sandals, opting for shoes with medium or high heels. Open shoes and pumps - for thin transparent options, ankle boots and boots - for models with a thickness of 30 den.

In the list of recommendations on the topic of how to wear stockings, there is one strict taboo. Such underwear cannot be combined with sportswear. In most cases, this tandem looks tasteless.

Elastic bands and cuffs should not be visible from under the skirt

Stockings with lace cuffs are not worn under tight-fitting clothing.

You should not take stockings that are much darker than your skin.

The color of the hosiery should match the tone of the shoes and be lighter than the rest of the clothing

White stockings are best left for a wedding.

Do not combine stockings with sportswear

How to choose the right belt


In the hope of choosing a luxurious set that looks elegant on your figure, you need to take a closer look at the material.

In modern boutiques there are models made from the following materials:

  • leather;
  • cotton is a fiber;
  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • vinyl;
  • lace;
  • in a mesh.


Belts come in high and low rise.

They look more elegant when they are high and sit comfortably at the waist. They model the curves of the body no worse than figure-shaping underwear.

According to stylists, vintage and corset stockings with nylon stockings in beige shades are considered the current accessory. Excellent replacement for shapewear.


It is better when the color scheme of the underwear matches the color of the belt .
And it would be more appropriate to choose a set that does not stand out either in texture or color under the clothes. Therefore, think immediately about what outfit to wear to work or to an evening event. You should give preference to panties such as thongs and tangas. Shorts, on the contrary, should be excluded from the set.

The model should be worn comfortably and selected according to size. Fabric that has “digged” into the skin will present the female figure unfavorably.

Useful tips

In recent years, the number of options for hosiery has become more and more numerous, as well as the possibilities of combining them with clothing. A few simple tips will help you figure out what you can wear with stockings:

  1. It is better to balance colored ones with dresses of restrained tones. And if the clothes are bright, then the stockings should be neutral.
  2. Options look interesting when a print or pattern on clothing is combined with the same on stockings, as if they continue each other.
  3. Embroidery, voluminous patterns or lines are especially beautiful in combination with pastel dresses.
  4. Don't forget about accessories - you can choose them to match the color of your hosiery.
  5. Knits are the only exception to the rule: their cuffs can be shown. Mini dresses and skirts are suitable for these models.

Overweight women also wonder how to wear stockings with a dress correctly for their body type. It is recommended to pay attention to monochromatic models without a pattern or with a vertical pattern, since openwork options make you look fatter. You should be very careful with models with a belt, but if you want just such a thing, the best option would be one with a fit at the waist. To be on the safe side, it’s better to wear stockings with Velcro made of silicone - they have a more secure fit, and they definitely won’t show through under your dress.

Sometimes it seems that choosing a stylish outfit and stockings without looking vulgar is very difficult. In fact, this is not so; it is enough to follow the basic recommendations. You can start experimenting with models in which the stockings are held on the leg by silicone - they are almost invisible and easy to put on. Options with a belt are more complicated, but even with them you can create an image suitable for the office. The main thing is that they are above the knee, do not peek out from under the hem, and do not show through the fabric. Outside the walls of the office, you can play with colors and textures and try different options, not forgetting the basic linen rule: stockings should decorate the figure.

Colored stockings should be balanced with dresses in subdued tones.

A print or pattern on clothing can continue on stockings.

Embroidery and three-dimensional designs are beautiful in combination with pastel dresses

Accessories must match the color of the hosiery

Knitted cuffs can be displayed

How to wear a belt with stockings correctly

First, put on a belt, and then stockings. In order not to damage the stockings, they are first carefully collected in the hand and only then pulled onto the leg, making sure that the stocking does not twist.

You need to attach each fastener to the welt, making sure that the garters do not twist either. The fasteners should be attached approximately two to three centimeters from the top edge of the stocking. To do this, you need to insert the round part of the fastener under the stocking and, pressing the part with the loop over the welt, connect the stocking with the garter.

After connecting the fasteners, you need to adjust the length of the garters. It will be much more convenient to do this if you place your foot on a raised platform: a sofa or chair. With a little practice, you will find that, in fact, this is not such a difficult process.

Usually the belt is secured over the panties: this option is the most aesthetic and attractive. But if you purchased stockings and a belt for everyday wear, then it will be more convenient and practical to wear a belt under your swimming trunks. Stockings in the modern sense appeared not so long ago, in the late 30s of the 20th century. This happened in the USA, and soon the product that caused “ fashionable revolution, was sold in huge quantities - millions of pairs per day.

Before this, stockings were made from silk, wool and cotton processed in special ways (fildekos and fildepers), but when the chemical company DuPont mastered the production of synthetic fiber - nylon, stockings from it appeared within a year. Since nylon stockings did not tear - “strong as steel” - were easily washed, lasted longer and fitted women’s legs more beautifully - thin as a spider’s web,” they quickly conquered the world, and were not even supplanted by tights - also a revolutionary product that allowed ladies can wear miniskirts without any problems. Photo: women's stockings The true history of stockings is now little known, so you can often hear that women “took away” this item of “leg clothing” from the stronger sex. In the 18th century, thanks to the famous Madame de Pompadour, this happened, but about 2000 years earlier, ladies of ancient Greece wore stockings: they knew how to knit perfectly.

During the “Dark Ages”, the ancient art was abandoned, and only in the 13th century did Europeans learn about stockings from the Arabs: then men began to wear stockings, attaching them to their belts with ribbons, and this continued until the end of the 16th century - then they came up with garters. That’s it, what did you want to know about the New Year 2021! Since the middle of the 19th century, both men and women wore stockings, but no one saw women’s stockings, even “out of the corner of their eye”: it was considered very indecent. Everything changed during the First World War: women were forced to take on men's responsibilities, learn new professions, and long dresses that interfered with movement had to be shortened. Soon, garter belts came into fashion as a separate item of clothing: before that they were part of a corset. In Russia (especially in the USSR), good stockings, like then tights, were rare: they were brought from abroad, “got out” with difficulty and took care of them for years - they didn’t throw them away even if they were torn.


Why are compression stockings needed for surgery?

Before answering the question of how to properly put on stockings before surgery, we will try to find out why anti-embolic compression stockings are needed during surgery.

During general surgery, air may enter the veins of the lower extremities. Because of this, there is a risk of air embolism - blockage of a blood vessel by an air bubble. Air embolism is a dangerous complication that can lead to the death of the patient.

prevent air embolism - compression products that apply distributed pressure to the legs: 100% in the ankle area, 70% in the middle of the shin, 50% in the knee area and 40% in the middle of the thigh.

Due to the pressure that anti-embolic stockings put on the veins during surgery, air does not enter the veins . If air enters the vein, external pressure will dissolve the bubble in the blood before the air passes through the bloodstream and clogs the vessel.

Stockings with dress

The most popular type of wearing stockings is under a dress. These are mainly short dresses suitable for parties or going to a club. Usually girls wear them to hide their garters or the openwork belt itself, but to make the look more seductive, sometimes they are revealed slightly.

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The color of the dress can be black or gray, as they will perfectly match the color of black stockings. But for colored ones, a white or colored dress to match the stockings themselves is suitable. But for home use, you can choose any dress you want.

But in public, try not to choose a dress in bright colors with stockings, otherwise the image will be considered too vulgar.

Stockings, belt, panties: how to remove

Now that you have studied the theoretical part of the problem, you can move on to the practical. Despite the variety of garter belts, the first thing you have to do when you intend to remove women's panties yourself is to determine where exactly these panties are located: under the belt or above it. Already at this stage you may get confused, since the current fashion seems to be aimed at making your task as difficult as possible. Everything will get in your way: lace, ruffles, bows, beads and rhinestones, and possibly also ribbons and lacing! But we can offer you an algorithm that almost always works flawlessly!

Try to feel the belt clasp

So, we will proceed from the premise that the belt is worn over the panties, that is, the part we are interested in is hidden under it. If it is impossible to visually inspect the belt, then proceed by touch: run your hands along the belt from the front through the sides to the back. If your fingers are not closed on the belt clasp, you can repeat the action two or three times - the lady will consider them foreplay. But don’t get too hung up on it, otherwise you may be suspected of fetishism, and this is not always appropriate.

If the clasp is found, you can try to unfasten it. To do this, you need to grab the belt with your hands on both sides of the clasp and move it towards each other to loosen the tension. Next, proceed in the same way as when removing a bra.

Unfasten your stockings

Usually women, regardless of how panties with a belt are worn, when undressing, the first thing they do is unfasten and remove their stockings. Nowadays stockings are no longer what they used to be, and if your lady does not prefer vintage, then, most likely, she wears stockings with silicone, which perfectly stay on her legs without the help of a belt. Therefore, when you unfasten the elastic bands of the belt, the stockings will not fall to your feet, but will remain where they were.

If the stockings begin to slide down, the lady will panic - be prepared for such a turn of events, have an action plan in place for this eventuality, so as not to disrupt the romantic mood.

If you can't find the belt clasp...

If you couldn’t find the belt clasp or can’t unfasten it, still try to at least unfasten your stockings! This is difficult to do, since, let us remind you, each stocking is usually attached in at least two places, that is, you will have to work with two, six, four, or even eight fasteners! But, having unfastened the stockings, you will no longer be bothered by the need to remove the belt - it no longer stands in the way of your panties - take them off boldly - nothing is holding them in anymore!

If you only found panties...

then you can breathe a sigh of relief - they are worn over the belt, which means that they can be removed with a slight downward movement, without bothering yourself with preliminary manipulations with the belt and its fasteners.

We hope, dear men, that these instructions for handling garter belts have at least partially dispelled your fears of the female “tools” of your seduction. And remember that being able to put on and take off items of a woman’s wardrobe is not in all cases a shameful skill, but on the contrary...

Not in everyday life, but when you go on a date with your lover. I bought myself a corset with garters for stockings and now I have a dilemma: how to wear panties under or on.

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