barbie fabric
Barbie - what kind of fabric is it, description, composition and properties
Home / Blended fabrics Back Published: 11/26/2020 Reading time: 3 min 1,920
polyester curtains
Polyester is a fabric used almost everywhere and one of the most popular among synthetics
Have a good day and good mood everyone! Today, my dear reader, I propose to consider the question,
Royal Oxford fabric
Oxford fabric - characteristics, composition, description and properties of the material
Oxford fabric: scope of application - now and before Dense twill fabric with checkerboard
All about cashmere: description, properties, advantages and disadvantages
Cashmere, what kind of fabric is it, properties, description, composition and care
What type of fabric is Cashmere - a warm, delicate, soft, airy material. Commonly used
Material composition
Membrane fabric - what is it: composition, properties, advantages and disadvantages
Why are membrane fabrics needed? Membrane fabrics: samples The word “membrane” has ancient origins and means
viscose fabric blue
Viscose is an artificial fabric of plant origin.
History of fabric Viscose is a young fabric. Technology for the production of artificial fabric fibers from natural plants
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